Chapter 12 - Watch it (1/2)

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"So how was it? You need to give me some juicy details!" Zoë said as her and Tristan sat at the lunch table. Tristan rolled his eyes as he took a bite of his sandwich.
"Zoë, I don't kiss and tell. All I can say is that it felt amazingly painful." Zoë's eyes widened as she sees Cam and Esme walk hand in hand together.
"Oh, they're a thing..." Zoë asks sadly. Tristan stared at his best friend and sighed.
"Forget her. She isn't worth it. She's not that great and you can find someone way better," Tristan told her. Zoë stared at them as they took their seats. She seen Esme laughing and Cam telling her something. Zoë had to face that fact that she had a crush on Esme but she knew deep down that Esme wasn't gay.
"Hey guys," Maya said as she stood beside their table with her tray. "Can I sit?" Tristan and Zoë exchanged glances and nodded.
"Oh Cam! You're so funny!!!" Esme said so loud that the whole cafeteria turned heads Maya glared at the two and rolled her eyes.
"Oh Cam, you're so funny. Bite me, bitch," Maya said as she took a bite of her fry. Tristan chuckled.
"So...I heard student council is throwing a halloween dance tonight. Who wants to go?" He asked.
"I'm in. I need to get my mind off Esme. What about you, Maya?" The two waited for Maya to answer. Truth was Maya still loved Cam but she also knew that the things she had said couldn't be unsaid. He had put her hand on her and that was it. She just wishes that she could turn off her feelings for him but she knew it was impossible.
"Um, I'll let you guys know. Dances aren't really my thing," Maya replied, her eyes still on Cam and Esme. Tristan noticed.
"You gotta let that one go, Maya." Tristan said. "Besides, I think someone else is interested in you," They all turn to see Zig Novak staring at Maya. Zoë and Tristan chuckle.
"Ooh, didn't you like used to date him in Junior high?" Zoë asked her. Maya stared at Zig and shook her head confusingly.
"I think you did date him...I'd have to check on my computer but there should be a picture of you two, if I'm not wrong," Maya stared at Tristan confused. She's been gone for so long that she might have forgetten who Zig Novak was. She tried to think way back but she just couldn't remember him.

The basketball team had finished practice. Cam had just gotten out of the shower and hears a conversation.
"Yeah, we're gonna do it tonight at the dance. It's gonna get messy but who cares," the familiar voice said. "He's a sinner and he's got to pay. We can let him corrupt anymore people,"
Cam's eyes widened. Someone in the basketball team was up to no good. Question was, who? Ha. It ain't any of my business anyway.

The music was bumping and the students of Degrassi were pumping with moves. Tristan and Zoe stood near the concessions table.
"How awkward is this? Miles couldn't make it to the dance and I'm stuck here with you...Have I told you how boring you are?" Tristan said to his best friend. Zoe slapped his shoulder and scoffed.
"Hey there's Maya!" she waved at her. "Maya over here!!!" Maya rushed to the two and sighed. She wasn't planning on coming but she thought that It'd be best for her to just get out of her house and live a little.
"Ohhh yeah!!! Now it's a party! Woop woop!" Tristan says as he drinks his alcohol free punch. Maya folded her arms and stood there with the two for a good 30 minutes.
"Hi handsome, wanna dance?" A boy from the basketball team walked up to Tristan. Zoe eyed the boy and then Tristan. Tristan gave the boy his drink and rushed to Zoe and Maya.
"It's not cheating if I just have a dance with him, right? I mean, it's not like I'm going to hold him..." Zoe rolled her eyes.
"I guess not. Don't worry, Miles' isn't that crazy. Just dance but keep your distance. You know how fast things spread around here," Tristan nodded in agreement and went with the boy. Zoe and Maya watched as Tristan danced the boy on the dance floor. Zoë laughed at him because every time he'd try to hold Tristan, Tristan would shake his head and wag his finger.
"So..." Zoe starts saying. "How are you really?" Maya narrows her eyes to the ground.
"I've been trying...I'm not exactly okay but I'm getting there," Zoe nodded and then suddenly felt her phone vibrate. It had been a text from an unknown number:

Hey...New phone, It'z Miles, Tell Tristine to meet me at the Ally by the Dot. I've got a special surprise for him. He has to come alone

"I'm gonna go to the ladies room real quick, I'll be back though, " Maya watched Zoe as she exited the gym. She was alone. She stared at all the couples around her who were hugging, laughing, and dancing. I feel like a loser. She thought to herself.
"Okay guys in a few minutes, we're going to announce the witch and wizard of this KICK ASS Halloween dance!" the Dj said as he turned the music up.
"Yeah, the message sent."  a boy in a blue blazer said as he grabbed some punch. "I think she's out side or something. She'll probably tell him and he'll be there in a huff," Maya overheard a conversation next to her. She slowly scooted near the table and listened in. Omg this sounds juicy.
"Okay, cool. Yeah the gasoline and matches are all there," Maya's eyes widened. What was he talking about? She continued to listen as she slowly turned to the boy who was on his phone.
"Right...haha, the queer fucker won't even know what hit him," the boy said as he hung up the phone. Not long after, he exited the gym. Maya stared at the boy in confusion. Something was wrong and she could feel it. Who was he talking about?

"He said to meet him in the ally by the Dot. Something about a big surprise," Zoe tells Tristan as they walk there. Tristan stared at his phone and wondered why Miles hadn't replied to his text message.
"Okay, Tris. This is as far as I go," Zoe said. They stopped in front of the Dot. Tristan sighed.
"It's weird though, like he texted you but he didn't reply to any of my messages," Tristan scratched his head. "And he'd tell me if he was getting a new number," Zoe took a deep breath and sighed.
"Maybe it's part of his surprise. I gotta go! They're gonna announce the Witch and Wizard of the dance in a bit! I'll text ya!" Zoe rushed off before Tristan could say anything. Tristan slowly walked deep into the ally where he waited for Miles. It had been nearly 30 minutes and still no sign of him. He was just about ready to leave when he had received a text:

Baby, I just got back from my appointment and I'm heading to the dance.

A chill ran down Tristan's back as he could feel that something weird was going on. Just as he was about to go back to the dance, two guys approached him.
Both seemed to be wearing masks and are dressed in all black. Tristan backed up slowly. He was terrified. What was going on? Something told him that it wasn't Miles who was behind all of this.
"Hello little gay boy," one of the guys grinned as he took a step closer to Tristan. He grabbed Tristan's arm and pushed him to the ground. The other two guys ran towards him and started kicking. Tristan's mouth opened but nothing came out. This was all sudden.
"Come on, bitch scream! I wanna hear you in pain!" One of the guys picked Tristan up. If I could just see who it was.
"Please let me go! I didn't do anything!" Tristan begged. The guy threw Tristan down and kicked him one last time in the head. Tristan was unconscious.
"Hurry!!! Get the gas!" One guy said. The other one did what he was told. "Pour it all over there," Not long after the guy poured the gas, Luke lit the match and dropped it. The flames roared loudly in the ally.
"Luke, dude, he can't get out! The fire's huge, there's no way he's getting through," Luke took out his mask and tossed it to the fire.
"Exactly." he said as he stared into the fire. "Burn in hell, bitch!" Luke and his friend walked away from the fire. A few minutes later, Tristan woke up to the smell of gasoline. He slowly oppened his eyes and realized that it wasnt a dream. He couldn't move. He couldn't speak. All he knew was that he was gonna die. The fire came closer and closer towards him. Who would do this? He asked himself as he curled up against the Ally wall, in tears. Hoping and praying that someone would come and save him.

OMG WHERES MILES NOW!?! Omg someone save my poor baby!!! Haha, there's a cliff hanger for u! Hahaha I kno I'm good

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