Chapter 2

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9:00 am (L.A. time)

I'm off to go to my audition! I'm shaking like crazy and I'm so nervous that I didn't even get any sleep last night! I just stayed up and memorized my lines some more... I looked the movie up online to see if there was any information that could be useful. All I know is that they already have their mind set on one boy, they aren't certain just yet, but he's still going to be at the auditions so that the casting directors see if either one of the 2 boys have any chemistry with a good actress who auditions for the role Annabeth.

I need to go now, my cab is finally here and I wouldn't want to be late! Wish me luck :) I'll write some more later, when I get back home after my auditions! Bye! - Paige

5:32 pm

Hey! Here with another update! The audition process took way longer then I thought it would... I'm so tired! I could fall asleep right now... if only I hadn't promised you guys a chapter/update each day so you'd know what's going on in my life. I don't know why anyone would want to read it but I hope someone does... ANYWAY. Back to the point!

I got there and sat in the waiting room, which was already packed full of girls auditioning for the part of Annabeth. I looked around and saw I had a lot of competition. I also got quite a handful of dirty looks, whispers and fingers pointed in my direction. I'd tell you why but I honestly have no clue as to why. I started feeling uncomfortable so I just stood up and decided to find somewhere quiet while I waited. There was a list of names and times so I knew when I'd have to come back, so I wouldn't miss my audition.

I walked around looking for some place quiet when I walked into a court yard in the middle of the building. It was beautiful and the garden was quite big. I found a small pavilion and sat on the grass next to it, leaning on part of the pavilion for support. I was going through some lines when I was knocked out of my thoughts by a voice. I looked up to see a guy with brown hair and piercing blue eyes. I was so captivated by his blue eyes that when he repeated what he said, I didn't hear it once again.

"Your eyes are amazing..." I blurted out before quickly covering my mouth with both my hands, shocked that I just said that. "Oh my god... I'm so sorry! I probably just freaked you out and know you want to get a way from the weirdo. Nice meeting you I guess." I said in a rush before looking down, blushing in embarrassment. I expected him to leave but all I heard was a laugh and out of the corner of my eye, I saw him sit next to me.

"Why would I be freaked out? It was a compliment. Plus, if I ran away every time someone said that to me, I wouldn't have many friends... I'm Logan by the way." He introduced himself, holding his hand out towards me.

"Well Logan, thank you for not running away, giving me any dirty looks or pointing at me... I'm Paige, nice to meet you!" I smiled at him, shaking his hand.

"Why would I do any of those things?" He asked, giving me a questioning look.

"All the girls in the waiting room were staring at me like I was some kind of meat and they were hungry lions... It was freaky to say the least. I felt uncomfortable so I decided to come here and just look over my lines again while waiting. I must say, it really is peaceful and beautiful here." I said, looking around at the garden around us.

"Ahh. So you're the one all the girls have been talking about." He said, as if he knew something I didn't.

"Wait. What do you mean they were all talking about me? What were they saying?" I asked him. I got  bad feeling in my stomach and I was scared to hear the answer.

"Oh nothing much... They just said that there was a girl, with your description, that looked like she belonged in a movie. They were pretty intimidated by you, to say the least. All the girls that have auditioned so far have asked if they had already picked you. After a while the casting directors asked if anyone knew who you were and when no one spoke up, someone just described you." He told me. "I mean, I don't blame them... you look like an Annabeth to me." He added, smiling encouragingly. Wait so they were all being so mean and unwelcoming because they thought that I would get the part? They thought I was competition? I mean yea, I went to acting school for 2 years but I'm sure most of them would've gone to a better acting school longer than I did.

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