Chapter 4

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Hey! This will be a lot shorter than usual but it should still be detailed... I can't write without detail, It's a crime! Anyway, yes this will be short... BUT I'll be writing around 13 chapters in the next couple of days so that should make up for the short chapters! :) Shall I begin to tell you what happened on 4/1/14 ? Ok, here we go.


~ Recap ~

"Sleep tight Princess." He whispered, kissing me on the forehead. He began to leave when I grabbed his hand.

"There might be more fans waiting at your hotel.. Stay here? Please." I croaked out, my throat suddenly hurting. He just nodded and smiled. He walked around the bed before getting under the covers with me and laying down beside me. There was too much space inbetween us so I moved over, closer to him, and wrapped my arm around his waist. He did the same in return and said goodnight once again before I fell asleep.

SOOO... that's what happened! Not too exciting. I hope you guys enjoyed reading my day... I'll keep you posted, bye guys!


Paige. xx


So when I woke up the next morning and Logan wasn't there beside me I just naturally thought that it was all just a dream. So thinking that it was still the 3rd and that I had to be ready by 8:30 am to meet up with Logan. I looked at the time and my eyes bulged when I saw that it was already 8:20 am !!! I woke up late!!! I began rushing around my room, gathering all the things I needed from in there and quickly changed clothes. I was running through the hallway, stuffing my script into my bag when I was knocked over by a hard, moving object. Ouch. My butt is going to have a bruise tomorrow and my tail bone!!! Who just knocked me over? I 'ought to give them a piece of my mind! I looked up glaring, preparing to yell at the person who had knocked me over when I saw a shirtless Logan looking down at me apologetically.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to knock you over! I didn't see you, you were in such a rush." He said quickly, helping me to my feet. He paused when he saw me all ready and dressed. "Where are you going anyway?"

"Well I was going outside to wait for you to pick me up so we could go get some coffee and get to know each other, you know. Like what we had planned last night. And I have some questions for you too. Why are you inside my house when you're meant to be outside, in a car, waiting for me? Why do you not have a shirt? Why are you in my home? Why did it hurt so much when you knocked me over and ouch! My butt still hurts!" I said all at once, glaring at him because my pain was getting to my head.

"Umm... Paige? You know it's the 4th today, don't you? That all happened yesterday... well sort of. I got mobbed and I was late so I got here later than I said I would and I got here to find you worried and going out of your mind, which was pretty cute really. Then we just stayed here and made a fort, drinking coffee, getting to know each other and just talking. Then we left to go to the building where the auditions were being held and during the cab ride there you fell asleep and when I went to wake you up you sorta.. ummm.. started checking me out? Then you blurted out how beautiful I was and described my facial features. Then once you realized what you had said you ran out on me and I found you in the garden singing. We talked for a little while before you said that you were feeling sick and asked to go home so I went and told the casting directors that we had to leave already because you were feeling ill. They understood and said that they'd call us and send over the script if we got the roles. Then I got you home and put you in your bed. When I went to leave you told me to stay, so I did and we fell asleep.  As for your other questions and statements, I'm in your house because I slept here last night, I do not have a shirt on because I just got out of the shower and I do not sleep with a shirt sometimes, neither do I shower in one. I'm in your home because I wanted to be here when you woke up, I have no idea why it  hurt, maybe because your floor is hard? And I'm sorry about your precious ass that I have hurt so badly. Here let me kiss your ass better. You really do look amazing. You're the best actress in the world! I love your eyes. You're funny. You're unique! Enough ass kissing for you?" He asked me. I just stood there, gob smacked at all the things he had just said.

"Umm ok.. have they called yet?" I asked, not knowing what else to say. He frowned as soon as the words came out of my mouth. My heart dropped down to the pit of my stomach and my vision started to blur.

"Well you see Paige.. they.. well. Look... just stay calm ok? It's just that.." He stuttered, biting his lip unsurely. "WE GOT THE PARTS!" He finished, grinning from ear to ear. My jaw hit the floor and it took a moment to process what had just happened before I flung myself into his arms, throwing us to the floor. He just laughed and I laughed along with him. I'm so happy right now I could kiss him! Wait. What? I shook the idea out of my head.

So after the hugging and laughing we celebrated and just relaxed for the rest of the day. We got the scripts in later that day and had a quick look before deciding that we should just enjoy the news for now and look at the scripts the following day. After dinner Logan went back to his hotel, not before we made plans to meet up the next day and go through the scripts together.

There you have it! Chapter 4 everybody!

-Paige xx


Here we go! A couple more chapters on the way! And seeeee! I couldn't stick to just a couple of chapters. Yes, it wasn't my best but I'm still sleep deprived and my house is never seems to be quiet these days. -.- anyway, enjoy.

Ally xx 

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