Chapter 3

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Hya! Another update from Paige!

I hope you guys weren't too bored out of your minds with my update the other day! I didn't update you on what happened yesterday because I felt quite sick after the auditions for some unknown reason... Logan had to drive me home, I was that sick. I wrote quite a lot the other day though. Quite unusual for me actually, I was surprised that I had so much to say... I guess I just wanted to make sure you guys wouldn't miss out on anything, just like I promised. I hope I wrote enough for you guys and there was enough detail! Tell me if I'm ever boring you and I'll start making my writing more... interesting? Somehow, I'll find a way. ANYYYWWAAAYYY......... back to the usual update! :)

Okay so I'll tell you what happened yesterday and then I'll update what happened today, tomorrow morning and also have tomorrow's update tomorrow night. This update will most likely be a lot longer than usual, maybe. So here we go! Enjoy reading x


8:30 am

I rushed about, finding my script, fixing my hair and make up and making sure I had everything I needed for the day. Why was I up this early, rushing around to leave, when I only needed to be back at the building (where the auditions and the decision would be made) at 10:00 am ? Because when Logan had called me last night he had offered to take me out for coffee so we could get to know each other better and maybe run through our lines once again, just in case we would have to audition for the casting directors again. Now all I was waiting for was Logan to come and pick me up, should be here any minute now...

8:35 am

I'm still waiting for Logan, I hope he didn't forget, that would be embarrassing... and it would probably kill any chemistry that we have, also killing our chances in getting the part.

8:40 am

Maybe he couldn't make it? Maybe he's stuck in traffic? He could've gotten into an accident on the way here! What if he did?! It would be all my fault and he wouldn't be able to get land the role! Oh my gods! What did I do?! Should I call him to make sure he's alright???? Wait. What if I call him and then he wasn't in an accident and he just forgot? I wouldn't be able to face that kind of rejection! I'm not a person that can take rejection very well. So what if he's standing me up? What if he just didn't want to see me unless he had to for the movie?

8:45 am

Ok. I'm just gonna call him. I mean... that's what anyone would do, right? I'm not being paranoid or anything, right? Oh stuff that! I'm just gonna call him!

I took my phone out and found the name I was looking for, Logie, I pressed the call button and I bit my lip, something I do when I'm nervous. It was ringing and ringing then suddenly on the 3rd ring there was a knock on the door, who on earth could that be?

I opened the door to find a breathless looking Logan. I rushed forward and gave him a massive bear hug, hanging up at the same time. I pulled away and started examining him all over to see if he was hurt.

"What happened? Are you ok? You're not hurt are you? I thought you had gotten into an accident on the way over here! I thought that I had killed you... Why didn't you call me? Where were you? Oh never mind that! All that matters is that you're here now, safe and sound." I rushed out before pulling him into another hug.

"Hey, don't worry. Like you said, I'm here now and I'm safe. I'm sorry I didn't call you but I can't seem to find my phone. I either dropped it, left it at my hotel, lost it or a fan took it while I was being chased by that mob of fan girls... You see, I was walking out towards the car I had hired when a bunch of girls came running over so I started running because... well they looked kinda vicious. I love my fans but those guys scared the crap outta me. Anyway, by the time they'd stopped chasing me I was a couple of blocks away from your place but I didn't wanna risk it so I just kept running until I got here. I'm sorry I worried you so much and thank you so much for caring." He said kissing my forehead.

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