crashing world

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You know how you have that one person you can't live without. That one person that makes everything ok. They are your entire world and existence, your vary core. It's like you can do anything and go against anyone as long as you have that one person on your side. Than just like they can build you up they can also be the end of you. When you lose them it's like all of the sudden you can't breathe and your falling slowly. Before you can even realize your falling you feel empty. Completely void of any other feeling just pain. Pain and heart broken your entire world is crashing down on you. The worst part is you don't know how to deal with the pain. All you know is that you need them but they don't even realise how badly you need them. It's like your slowly getting sicker and sicker with living and you want to die. While your falling deeper into the void you wonder why did they leave you? How you could have made it better? Where you their world? Did they know how much you needed them? It wouldn't have even mattered would it because they already left you. Made you fall into this void and make you feel pain and feel pathetic for depending so much on that one person. Your place of peace and sanity your little special, wonderful, amazing........ world.

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