Knight of Cups

486 7 0

Arrival · Creative · Invitation · New opportunities · Proposal

The Knight of Cups encourages you to remember that victory is not just an exercise in strength of arms, but can be achieved through cleverness and a savvy mind. He can also be given to flights of wild fancy, though, so you may also interpret him as a warning to maintain your focus. New initiatives in your life are likely on their way, and you must remember to seek novel paths to accomplish goals, but also not lose sight of where you are going.

Your strengths have been your intellectual capacity and self-determined will power. Being caught slightly off-guard by the new directions and ideas of others is natural to your unique perspective.

An important offer or invitation will arrive suddenly and unexpectedly.

Staying focused and following your most passionate beliefs will lead to progress towards your goals. You will find peace in deep, meaningful connections with others.

Yes / No Key Interpretation
The Knight of Cups is a romantic and compassionate dreamer bringing along new opportunities or some sort of positive invitation. He represents self acceptance and an arrival to finding the proper path for your life. The answer you are looking for is yes.

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