Ten of Cups

454 11 0

Abundance · Achievement · Commitment · Family · Happiness

You can expect to attain some long goal if you find the X of Cups in your spread. This card is, like the rest of the Cups, imbued with emotional undertones. It may signal the mending of bridges between friends or family members you were once close to, if there has been a rift. You may also find that it symbolizes your own inner emotional turmoil being resolved. In reference to marriage it is usually indicative of lasting emotional bonds.

By taking confidence in your direction and following your deepest convictions, you have been propelled forward. This commitment and your comfort with authority have allowed room for recognition and success to manifest in your life.

A new undertaking is about to begin for you. This task, event, or journey will bring about the beginning of a long lasting friendship. Do not miss this opportunity.

The potential for financial success may present itself through some aspect of property ownership. Either find domestic happiness or gain prestige in public work. Despite the difficulty, balancing both at once is possible.

Yes / No Key Interpretation
The Ten of Cups represents perfect harmony, abundance, and happiness. It suggests perhaps personal or family dreams coming true and an overall sense of satisfaction and security in life. Positive achievements and emotional stability ahead of you, the answer you seek is yes.

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