Two of Wands

364 3 0

Achievement · Anxiety · Gain · Goals · Partnership

The II of Wands suggests the formation of partnerships in your immediate future, or the success of already existing joint ventures. You will likely find yourself in a position to reap the rewards of these partnerships, in the form of financial gain or promotion. One the same count, the rewards indicated are those fairly due to you, so this is better news for those in equitable partnerships than those who seek to profit at the expense of others. The presence of this card may also point to underlying insecurity or worry on your part. These feelings may be justified or not, based on the rest of the spread.

The research, development, and constant application of your skills has led you to progress in life. If you intend to arrive at your intended destination, continue to look ahead and plan.

A generous offer for help is coming. With analysis and development of your ambitions, this influence will help you attain fulfillment.

Reflection and self-awareness will lead you to success. Trust your intuition, but also be open to help from others.

Yes / No Key Interpretation
The Two of Wands shows being in control and experiencing gains in your life on one hand. On the other, it brings with it great anxiety and the possibility of losing the control that you once had. The dynamism projected through this card does not provide a clear answer. Maybe is what it suggests.

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