Seven of Cups

400 5 0

Confusion · Dreams and ambitions · Speculating · Decision · Temptation

This card speaks strongly to your inner self. It is trying to tell you something about your unconscious or the realms of your imagination. Your hopes, dreams, and unrealized aspirations are all fair game to the VII of Cups. It speaks of a deep confusion, or a lack of understanding of your true motivations by your conscious mind. It is time to look carefully at your own motivations and reexamine your goals, but it is also a risky time to act upon your conclusions.

You have lost a lot of time chasing the many conflicting interests in your life. Do not be misled by daydreams and fantasies; pick a practical goal and start working.

You will receive a surprising reward for your usual mental and creative activities.

The inability to decide will slow your progress. Being open to change will help, but also a constant effort to determine what is true will keep you moving forward. Be honest with yourself.

Yes / No Key Interpretation
The Seven of Cups symbolizes confusing decisions, wishful thinking, and temptation due to a lack of morality. Delusional ambitions and poor choices are associated with this card. It brings a definite feeling of pessimism and negativity. The answer is no.

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