Thank you!!

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Hey everybody! Thanks for reading this. I got 108 reads on this. Thank you. If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't be still writing this. I wanted to just delete this story because it started out awful. That's just my opinion though. I'm just wondering. Do you guys really like it or is it just because it's a Matthias book? Comment which one. I just wanted to delete it because I'm not really good at writing stories. As a fellow fangirl of Matthias to another, he is really cute. I'm happy that he has his wife and I hope he has a wonderful family. I hope they never break up. Matthias deserves to be happy. You guys should as well. Your all amazing people. I hope you have a good life and I think you for reading this. In this story I will not have the following: Smut, Fluff, nothing wrong, and nothing that involves sex or anything. The following will be included" Cheesy stuff, kissing, friends trying. To take her heart but failing, a little wait for Matthias, and a few A/N's here and there because I want to say a massive thank you to you all reading this. This story would have been deleted but I'm still gonna try. I don't have Internet or wifi at my house so I use other people's wifi and Internet. Thank you for reading. I know I said it many of times but one again thank you everybody. I don't get much sleep so that quote is sometimes true. I pass out. My life, while I was growing up was a small bit bad but since I don't know about your lives. I'll tell you a bit about mine.... My mom left when I was six months old, my dad died four years ago, my grandpa died last year, I used to be bullied, I am emo, I was forced to move, I sometimes cry myself to sleep, I cut, and well... I guess what I should say now is I'm going through depression. My friends feel bad for me because my dad died and my mom left. I tell my friends that they shouldn't feel bad. I never met my mom but I hope I don't. I wouldn't be able to stand my real mom. The one I live with is my grandma. She has raised me since I got out of the hospital. When I was little I almost died and I had an asthma attack here recently and I almost died. Yes, asthma can kill you. I don't have an inhaler. I was never diagnosed with it but I know I have it. I have fractured my ankle. When I run on my ankle on a hill or ramp I have to be careful or I'll hurt it again. My grandpa was in a wheel chair and I babysit my cousin. She is 5. My grandpa got chocked on a price of ham because he had holes in his throat. He had a really bad stroke. My grandma has heart problems. My father died from sepsis. Sepsis is the next stage of gang green. I spent thanksgiving in the hospital with my boyfriend because we was visiting his sister. She is in the hospital because she has a heart problem. She has cancer and they won't let her go home. My family want me to wear make up but my brother (not actual brother) told me that I looked beautiful without it. My brother is my best friend. Without my friends I wouldn't be here because them and the youtubers I would have committed suicide. I promised them that I wouldn't commit suicide. I had them promise me that they wouldn't cut or commit suicide. They both promised. I have a few 'sisters' and like four brothers. My step sister is only 3. She lives somewhere else with her mom. She was from some other girl than me. She is still my little sister no matter what. No step. Not in my opinion. My cousin, I'm proud of her, she deserves to be happy. She is getting married. Gay, Lesbian, bisexual, queer, and transgender. I don't care. If your nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Thank you for reading this. That's all I have to say right now. That's all for now. See ya.

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