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I am so so sorry for this. It's just I wanted to announce that I have a boyfriend and my mom accepts him. I'm still gonna update but I have to have time. That's all I ask is time. Up to you if you comment or vote. I'm just super thankful you read this. I've got a total of: 1.03K reads and I wanted to say thank you so much for just reading this. My boyfriends name is Robert Koontz. Weird name but I'm absolutely in love with him. Let's just say. Three years from now, I might be Mrs.Koontz. Who knows. Imma tell you a few things about myself.

My name is Destiny Taylor and I'm 15. I don't live with my mother but I don't plan on it. I'm not comfortable with her. My boyfriend Robert always gets his friend to bring him to my moms house when I go see her. My father died when I was 10. Five years ago and I still get people saying sorry over it. I don't wanna hear an I'm sorry for your loss from you guys. I'm fine. I've said this all so many times. 😂😂 anyway, I'm in high school now and I'm absolutely terrified of getting bullied again. I used to be verbal bullied by the people I now call friends and I'm just scared that the people in high school with physically abuse me now. I'd rather not cut since I've been clean for a month. I'm proud of myself. Tbh I'll give you a face reveal if you want it. Up to you. Yes or no. I'm a female and I'm happy with who I am. I'm happy in a relationship with my amazing boyfriend Robert. I've got nothing bad to say about him. Yet he knows how to piss me off. On August 7th, he pretty much made me mad because I thought he was hurting himself because he thought I didn't love him. I love him with my whole heart. I was crying and everything. He was supposedly hitting his head off a wall and it started to bleed. Turns out it was a prank. He kept saying please please please talk to me. Baby please please please I'm sorry. We went too far. It was him and his friend. Which his friend used to be in school with me. I can't stay mad. I really can't. My ex, he said he loved me when he really didn't. I was mad but I'm not anymore. He became like a brother to me. I babysit at times. Mostly two amazing kids. In the picture above. Free face reveal today. 😂😂 I'm the one with a kid laying on my shoulder. It was an amazing day and those kids aren't here anymore. They was taken and put in foster care along with my little friend Temperance. Those kids deserve better and I'm hoping if all three of them are still there is three years, after Robert and I get married that we could hopefully adopt them. I'll do a better face reveal next chapter. Sorry. Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day and trust me. Remember when I say this, not all people are gonna like you but if they make fun of you or anything. Punch them. Unless your weak. I'm weak and I'm getting stronger. School starts August 16th. Anyway. Goodbye to every single of of you and thanks so much for being alive. You're simply amazing.

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