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Skylar Gray

Happy Birthday, see you at school. Sam texted me, causing my phone to beep loudly in my otherwise silent room

I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face as I read my boyfriend's text.

Thanks, Babe! See you at my locker? I responded, placing my phone back into my pocket.


Creases formed on my brow as I frowned slightly at his lack of words. He used to talk so romantically to me, but lately, he's been acting so distant. I shook off my ridiculous thoughts, scoffing at my worries. He's probably just distracted with schoolwork like me. I mean, we can't stay in the honeymoon stage forever, right?

Glancing up from my position on my bed, my eyes were drawn to the silly Christmas photo my parents and I took last year. We all wore ridiculous Rudolph sweaters, and dad was wearing a fake beard while mum wore a ridiculous tutu and I wore a pair of huge yellow sunglasses. I let the joyful memories wash over me, pushing away my concerns.

Dad pulled Mum and me towards the photo booth with a goofy smile on his face. I laughed loudly as Mum giggled, and I gave in to his childish behavior, running to find accessories to wear with all of our ugly sweaters. A bright pink tutu called Mum's name, so I grabbed it for her as well as a silly fake Santa beard and giant yellow sunglasses.

Dad and Mum were already waiting near the camera, so I turned and ran up to them, stifling a giggle at their priceless reactions to the accessories I had picked. Going along with it, they grabbed the stuff and put it on. The cameraman was biting his cheek to keep from laughing at our appearances, making us laugh as the photo was taken.

Mum ran off to pay for the photo and I moved to put the stuff away. Glancing back, I saw a younger lady bending over to pick up some stuff, showing off her underwear. I cringed in disgust and turned away to look at Dad, who seemed to be staring at her ass with a smirk. I shook off the thought and looked closer to see he was looking at his phone. Sighing, I laughed and shook my head. I'm being ridiculous, Dad loves Mum, why would he look at anyone else? Smiling again, I ran off to Mum and Dad, who was now waiting for me at the exit.

Standing up, I stretched my arms with a yawn, pausing as I looked closer at the image. Dad's eyes weren't focused on the cameraman, but rather next to him. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to think back to what was there, but came up with nothing. Cracking my neck, I grabbed my backpack and moved towards the stairs, hesitating when I heard the front door open. Who's home? I crept forward, confusion filling me as the sound of quiet giggling filled the house. The giggler was shushed and I heard footsteps.

I know mum told me she was coming back early for my birthday, but I hadn't even left for school yet. I moved down the stairs opened with a smile on my face, ready to act surprised, only to freeze in shock. Dad was kissing a strange woman, pressing her up against the wall. Neither of them seemed to notice me until I dropped my bag, letting it hit the hardwood floor with a loud bang. Dad's head flew up in alarm and he looked at me with surprise and shock, but I couldn't find a hint of guilt in his eyes.

"Sk- Sky- SKYLAR! A-aren't you supposed to be at school?" He muttered, trying to hide the woman he had been kissing.

I scoffed angrily, and I clenched my fist. "No Dad, school starts at 8:00. How long have you been doing this!? I can't believe you would cheat on Mum, especially with this bimbo-"

The woman screeched furiously and stepped forward, quickly slapping me across my face. Dad turned away from me, not saying a word against his bitch's actions. The woman continued to glare at me with a disgusted look on her makeup-caked face. She's disgusted? Really? My hand flew up to my cheek and I sniffled as I held back angry tears. As I stumbled backwards, the sound of a car engine cutting reached our ears. The jingle of Mum's keys was the only warning we had as the door flew open.

Protecting Skylar (old teenage version)Where stories live. Discover now