Chapter Four - First Impressions

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Point of View: Unknown

Sitting in my car and waiting was torture. What if she isn't okay? Oh I swear, I'll kill those little shits for messing with my angel, for hurting her. Blinking, I checked the time and did a double take. It was 9:00 AM the next morning. I had stayed awake the entire night. Staring at the hospital, I reached over and grabbed my phone, dialing one of my technical boys.

"Boss?" Zak asked as he answered the phone.

"Zak, I need you to hack into OakView Hospital's system and tell me where the patient Skylar Gray is being roomed and what her progress is." I demanded, leaving no room for objections.

"I will get right on it, Boss." Zak said with confidence.

Hanging up without another word, I waited not-so-patiently for Zak to get back to me and was rewarded with my phone pinging loudly from an email approximately ten minutes later. Opening it, I scanned its content, finding that she is currently on the second floor, room 280F. Scanning further, I read that she had seven stab wounds in her abdomen and a broken wrist as well as a minor concussion. My fist clenched in anger and guilt. I should have been there for her, to protect her and save her. Getting antsy, I got out of the car and started walking toward the hospital, hiding my face from the cameras as I made my way around the back of the building to the back door near the stairwell where no cameras were pointed. Opening the door with the security code Zak had given me, methodically made my way upstairs and located Skylar's room. I watched as several people went in, and decided to wait until she was alone.

Several hours must have passed with me nearly falling asleep against the door before everyone had finally left and the coast was clear. Sneakily, I made my way into her room without detection and sat in the corner, watching her sleeping angelic form on the bed. I shuffled slightly and watched as Skylar slowly sat up and scanned the room, briefly glancing at me before looking at the rest of the room, then suddenly her head snapped back to look at me, and I watched her eyes widen in shock. I held in a laugh, leaning back so that my face was in the dark. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish. Her hand reached for the remote holding the nurse's button until I stopped her.

"You'd call the nurses on the person who saved your life?" She froze.

Skylar looked at me as I stood and walked over to her. Her eyes told her thoughts; She's confused, scared, and doesn't know who I am.

"I am someone who took interest in you, and plans to watch you for quite a while," I stated, stretching the truth out. I realized that this would be slightly creepy for her, so I ended up chuckling softly.

"You don't deserve what is happening to you-" He started, taking a blue lock of her hair into my hands. "I want to help you, something about you is..... refreshing."

Footsteps sounded outside of the room and I took a long look at her before placing my finger over my mouth and retreating to the corner. Skylar quickly acted like she was sleeping as the door opened. I ducked down in the seat and waited as the door stayed open for another minute, before shutting again, and I heard the footsteps receding. While Skylar stayed still for several seconds and took the chance to drop down to the floor and rolled over so that I was hidden down next to her hospital bed. I heard her shuffle around and listened as she sighed and rolled again, dipping the right side of the bed. Her breathing filled the air and I listened as it deepened and Skylar fell asleep.

Rolling out, I pulled myself up and gazed down upon Skylar's sleeping body. Brushing her blue hair out of her face, I twirled a piece around my finger and found myself loosely braiding a piece, before tucking it behind her hair and leaning down to kiss her forehead. I smiled down at her, a rare occurrence for everyone except her.

"Sleep tight, my angel." I murmured, rubbing my thumb against her cheek before exiting her room and quickly passing everyone to the stairs, silently and unnoticed.

Back inside my car, I pinched my nose. It was only 8:30 PM, but it felt like it was 2:00 AM. Groaning, I turned on my car and pulled out of the parking lot, heading to the locked school which had police officers standing guard. Huffing in frustration, I kept going and stopped approximately a quarter of a mile away, before getting out and starting to walk to the school. Ducking under the police tape, I moved away from the officers and the cameras, before walking inside and heading to the front office. Inside, I went to the room that was labeled 'Security' and sat at the computer. I dialed Zak's number and waited.

"Yes, Boss?" He asked with a yawn.

"I need you to hack into a computer for me."

I heard shuffling in the background and a door open before Zak let out an oof as he sat down somewhere. "Okay, what's the serial number and IP address?"

I read off the numbers to him and he walked me through getting past the passwords until I found myself looking at the videotapes since 2014. Taking the USB I had with me, I downloaded everything onto it and logged back out before erasing the tapes that were currently videotaping and leaving the room and school. The warm air hit my face as I walked back to my car, making my hair ruffle slightly and causing me to frown in annoyance. I had been having a good hair day today.

Once in the car, I shifted out of park and into drive, heading home to where my computer is. Walking into my apartment, I headed straight to my office room and sat at my desk, turning my computer on and anxiously waiting for it to boot up so that I can review the school's security tapes. After logging on and inserting the USB I clicked on the most recent file, yesterday's' tapes. As I watched some jocks opened Skylar's locker, and yes, I memorized her locker location, and they put blue hair coloring in with blue paint and rigged it so that it would fall on her head when she opened it, and that is exactly what happened when Skylar opened her locker about fifteen minutes later.

I felt red hot fury fill my body as she ran away and I caught tears in her eyes. Later I watched as she was laughed at during the halls, and looking further back, I noticed how she was being bullied by other students, saw bruises on her skin. Stopping my search suddenly, I stood up abruptly and ran my hands through my hair, pulling hard and growling to myself before quickly turning and grabbing the clay, fancy lamp and throwing it hard at the wall, letting it shatter before following it with my fist in the nearest wall. Those little shits. My chest heaved hard, heart racing fast as I thought of all the things I could do to them.

I'll Make Those Boys Wish They Were Never Born

Protecting Skylar (old teenage version)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя