Chapter Eighteen - All My Fault

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Point of View: Kain Erickson

Biting my lip, I slammed my foot down harder on the accelerator. Why the fuck had I left? Because of Simon and Milo. My eye twitched in fury. They had caused me to leave, leaving my angel vulnerable. I will torture them until they beg for death, and then, I will rip their arms and- a loud siren brought me out of my murderous thoughts, and I glanced in the rearview mirror to see a cop behind me.

"Merde!" I cursed under my breath, pulling off to the side and watching as they parked behind me.

The door opened and a tall man exited from the car, walking over to the car with a smirk. I rolled down the window and watched as he bent down to look at me. He was glancing at a ticket book as he spoke.

"License and registration." He grunted, and I recognized him as one of my men. I smirked and looked at him, waiting for him to look up.

"No thanks, now I have a place to be, so can I go Aaron?" I mocked.

Aaron's head shot up and he paled as he nodded frantically, backing up and going back to his squad car. I faintly heard him making up the excuse that "my wife is in labor" before I peeled out of there, zooming down the road to Blackpool. The journey that should have taken me over two hours, was completed in thirty-seven minutes and twenty seconds, according to my digital clock. I skidded to a halt outside the cemetery and parked the car before jumping out, running through the rows until I caught sight of Skylar's smaller form shaking on the ground. She kept hitting her head against the cold ground as she screamed out.

My heart broke as I ran up to her, hearing her loud sobs. This was all my fault, even though I doubt I physically caused it-I wasn't here when something happened, and now she is in pain. I'm supposed to protect her... and yet this is the third time that I've let her down. I dropped to my knees beside her, pulling her into my chest and wrapping my hands around her body, rocking her as she sobbed into my shoulder. She continued to scream and shout, suicidal words flew from her mouth as she cried, but I just held her closer. She squirmed in my arms, trying to get away from me, but I just rubbed her back and whispered words of love into her ears.

"It's okay my angel..." "Breathe Princess....' "I'm here Sky..." "My kitten..." I continued to murmur sweet nothings into her ear until I slowly felt her start to relax into me. I rubbed and stroked her back as she hiccupped, not daring to move. She pushed her head deeper into the crook of my neck. I listened as her breathing slowly started to even out, and bent down to kiss her on her forehead, gazing down at her with lo-yeah, love in my eyes. I sighed softly and slowly stood up, keeping her bridal style as I slowly, and cautiously made my way back to my car. She whispered something in her sleep, but I missed it. Shaking my head, I pulled the rear car door open and strapped her in the seat, making sure she was comfortable before I shut the door and walked around to the driver's side.

I looked back down at her with a pained look. "I'm sorry Sky, my angel, just sleep, I won't leave you now." I whispered, reaching back and stroking her cheek lovingly before carefully pulling out of the cemetery and driving toward my apartment.

Once we arrived at the apartment complex, I climbed out of the car and walked around to Skylar's side, where I gently reached over and unbuckled her before carefully picking her up and walking inside to the elevator. You can never be too careful around people you love. I smiled slightly in realization once the door had shut. I love Skylar. Shaking my head slightly, I pushed the smile from my face once the doors opened on another floor and a man walked in, nodding at me and pressing level 3. We stood in silence until he left, and the elevator rose to the final floor; level four. I walked out with Skylar in my arms and unlocked the door, disabling the alarm with my code. I shut and locked the door behind me, before walking to my bedroom and putting her down on my bed. She looked so peaceful and cute as she snuggled up under the covers, and I listened as she let out a sigh of content.

My gaze wandered to the clothes she was wearing and I bit my lip. I should really change her so that she is more comfortable and feels better when she wakes up. She'll kill you. No, she'll thank me. You're a dumbass. I frowned at myself, since when did I start talking to my conscience? So basically, my only choices are that I can either leave her to be uncomfortable and save myself from Skylar's wrath, or I can change her to make her comfortable and endure her wrath....Deciding to go with the latter choice; for Skylar's sake, I walked into my closet to grab one of my large sweatshirts and sweatpants.

Slowly, I made my way back over to Skylar's side, and slowly peeled the covers off of her. Skyla shivered, so I worked quickly, removing her top and replacing it with the sweatshirt as I only kept my eyes on her face. I did the same routine with her pants and my sweatpants, then pulled the covers back over Skylar's body, before walking out of the room and into the laundry room. I put her clothes into the washer and returned to my bedroom to shut off the lights for Skylar. Soon, soft snores came from behind the closed door, and I smiled to myself at the cuteness of it. Cracking my knuckles, I moved my arms to reach behind me and pick up my phone from the counter before I move my fingers to dial Caleb's number.

"Salut?" Caleb asked tiredly.

I roll my eyes at the phone and answer angrily. "Where are you in comparison to the prisoners?"

Caleb stifled a yawn through the phone. "I'm sitting outside their cells, sharpening my knife and eating a juicy burger with both of their doors open so that they can see me enjoy this delicious food."

I held in a chuckle, reminding myself to maintain my hard side. I let the beast within come out to play and his protective instincts came forth. "I want you to take a metal baseball bat-" We started and waited to hear Caleb mumble a quick 'yes' as he moved to do as we said. "Then I want you to go to Simon and slam it as far down his throat as you can get it, before hitting him all over his body-keeping him alive-then do the same to Milo."

Caleb chuckled enthusiastically. "Sure thing, boss. Anything else?"

"Yeah, call down Little Billy to come have fun with them when you are done, with the only instructions to keep them alive." We snarled, and the beast chuckled wickedly with anticipation.

Caleb swallowed loudly. "Damn, alright. Right away boss." Caleb mumbled.

The beast, who is still in control of my actions, grinned and shut off the phone with a satisfied grunt. Little Billy is one of our biggest members and ex-Italian mafia member. Little Billy has some of the best torture techniques and taught me a lot about what I know today. Billy knows how to torture people in the worst ways and still keep them alive, and is a great asset. The only reason he left his old mafia is that the boss killed Billy's younger sister and his girlfriend. Walking back into my bedroom, I removed my top and shoes before gently sliding under the covers, next to my angel. Skylar whined in her sleep and tightly wrapped her arms around my waist. The beast and I both laughed at the beauty next to us. I kissed her forehead and smiled down at her as she snuggled against me.

What Would I Do Without You, Mon Chaton?

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