Chapter Six - The Deal

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Point of View: Unknown

It's been four days since Skylar was admitted to the hospital, four days since I saved her from near death. Today Skylar gets to leave the sterile, boring, white hospital. Currently, I'm sitting in my car outside the hospital, waiting for my angel to brighten my world as she blesses me with her angelic beauty. Finally, she walked out the door with her Aunt and Uncle, causing me to smile slightly and I saw her beautiful pearly whites. I watched her carefully limp to a car with her Aunt and Uncle, carefully making sure that it didn't look like she was straining herself. As they pulled out of the parking lot, I started my car engine and began following them, inconspicuously.

After making sure that Skylar and her family got home safe, I pulled out onto the road and drove down a little out of town to a storage facility a close friend owns. Walking to the one I had "rented", I pulled the door up and smiled at the sight in front of me. The three jocks that had tried to kill Skylar were bound gagged and had bags over their heads, lying face down in front of me while one of my men brandished one of his knives as he watched them thrash about.

I nodded at him and moved to the nearest boy, picking him up and throwing him across the small space, letting him hit the wall with a loud smacking sound. The next boy I lifted up and kicked in the pelvic area, listening to him scream out in agony as I chuckled to myself. Punching him in the nose, I dropped him and picked the last guy up, slowly pushing his arm back until there was a loud snapping noise. His arm went soft and his screams made my eyes light up with joy.

I kicked him in the face, sending him flying backwards before I spoke loudly to all of them. "This is for Skylar, and if I ever see or hear about you hurting her, ever again, I will kill you. Understood?" I spat, not waiting for a reply as I slammed one of their heads into the concrete floor. "Good, now let's have some fun."


Miles and I took turns beating up the boys, torturing them for hours and hours on end until I nearly killed one of them. By the time I had completely finished, one of the boys had a broken leg and two broken ribs, one had a concussion and a broken arm, and the other had a broken wrist and ankle. Deciding I was done with the little shits, I looked over at Miles and he nodded in understanding, knowing what I wanted him to do with them.

"Take the bumpiest road, and make it the worst ride ever for them." I ordered, ignoring the boys' whimpers.

Watching as he threw them in the back of his Sudan, I covered up all evidence and shoved it in the trunk of my car before locking the locker and climbing in my car to go drive to Skylar's house. It's currently about 1:20 AM and would only take about ten-fifteen minutes to get to her house. Parking outside the driveway, I walked to where the guest bedroom was on the bottom floor and peeked inside, confirming my suspicions that she was temporarily staying downstairs. I started tapping on the window, hoping that she would wake up and let me inside so that we could talk, I mean, I have an offer for her that is irresistible. Plus, if she accepts it, she accepts me, and that means I can protect her better.

After tapping a few more times, Skylar seemed to wake up and look around for the thing making the noise, passing over me once before looking back and nearly screaming. She stepped backwards and I could see her getting ready to call for help, which made me angry and caused me to throw my hands up in the air in frustration. Suddenly, understanding and recognition filled her gaze as she cautiously came over and opened the window, allowing me to jump inside. I scanned the room before shutting the window, at the same time thunder clapped and rain started to fall. As I turned, I noticed that Skylar had moved back on the bed, wincing slightly in pain. I couldn't help but notice that she looked better than the last time I had seen her, and stupidly told her that.

"You look a little better." I stated, and she nodded even though it wasn't a question.

I could see her wondering why I was in her room, so I answered. "You are probably wondering why I am here," Skylar made a face. "I'm here because I wanted to make a deal, and a promise with you." I announced, sitting on a chair in the corner.

Skylar looked utterly confused, so I went deeper into detail. "I want to make a deal that I will protect you and whoever else you want for as long as you want, however, on your eighteenth birthday, I will come to collect from you something that you do not yet get to know."

Her eyes widened as she listened to me, and I could see the panic on her face so I quickly lied to calm her down. "You can't know yet because it is still undecided."

She blushed as I smirked at her, knowing that I had read her thoughts. "Do you accept?"

Skylar frowned, contemplating her options, and when she didn't react for several long minutes, a frown covered my face, and I leaned forward to look at her, trying to read her facial expressions.

"Skylar, are you alright?" I inquired.

She nodded to answer me before freezing with confusion, probably wondering how I knew her name. Skylar looked at me for a few minutes before nodding softly. I grinned victoriously and stood up, walking towards her. I bent down and watched as she instinctively closed her eyes, making me flinch in pain of the rejection.

"I promise that you won't regret this. I promise to keep you safe." I whispered before climbing back out of the window into the storm.

Glancing back, I watched her sigh sadly and noticed one lone tear drip down her face. Did I just cause that? Did I make my angel sad? I was supposed to make her happy, feel safe an protected, not feel sad. Standing in the rain, I studied her for a few more minutes before slowly trudging back to my car, glaring at my wet clothes as I sat in the seat and drove back to my apartment. Taking the USB, I emailed its contents to Zak with specific instructions to send it to the police station so that they could see what they didn't prevent, see what happened daily to my beautiful angel. I just don't get why or how anyone could hurt her.

Skylar is perfect, she's beautiful, smart, funny, kind, tall and has a smile that can light up the whole room. What isn't there to love? Pondering this question, I picked my phone up and dialed Caleb's number to check on the progress he was having on finding Simon. He answered tiredly on the third ring.

"Patron?" He asked in his native French tongue.

I replied in french. "Caleb, ont découvert endroit précis de Simon encore?"

There was movement on the other line before Caleb answered me, this time speaking in English. "We know that he is in Russia and heading west, but that is all for right now."

I frowned but accepted it, feeling lenient today. "Find him soon and bring him back here, immediately." I demanded before hanging up and falling back on the bed.

A small smile came to my lips as Skylar popped into my mind. I could still smell her sweet perfume on my skin from when I sat in her chair. Kicking my shoes off, I laid my hands back beneath my head and stared at the ceiling, happy that she had taken my deal. I will keep it until the day I die, or until she backs out. I already know want I want when she turns eighteen-I want her.

I Want Skylar Gray And Nothing Can Stop Me From Having Her.

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