Chapter Twenty Two - Unleashing Her

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Point of View: Kain Erickson

I sat in the movie theater, gazing at the screen playing the same movie that has haunted me all these years, the movie that was playing for my parent's death-Super 8. I looked around in confusion. How did I get here? Five people sat in front of me and I reached forward to the girl sitting in front of me, tapping her shoulder. She didn't reply, didn't even flinch. I tapped her again, a little harder this time and watched as her body fell forward, crumpling to the ground. I stood up in shock and noticed the blood pouring out of her neck. I turned around, looking to see if anyone else had seen what I was seeing. Nobody even flinched. I looked at the man next to the unknown girl and glanced down at his hands, only to see a knife in his hands. I jumped up from my seat and over the row of chairs.

I couldn't make out his face through the darkness. As I watched as he looked at the family in front of us, a couple and a young boy. I couldn't move, literally as an unknown force prevented me from moving, as the man leaned forward and in one swift movement, slashed the woman's neck as she screamed out and stopped the man's yell with a knife in his throat. The boy turned his head and went to yell when the man covered his mouth. The man tied a tie around the boy's mouth and moved away, picking up another knife and slicing ribbons into the couple's backs and stabbing them in their spinal cords. I then watched as he moved back to the boy and whispered something incoherent before shoving the knife into the boy's back and slicing into his shoulder blade. The whole thing seemed familiar, but in my daze, I couldn't figure it out.

Suddenly, the invisible force was gone and I jumped over to the family, only to stand rigid as I looked at their familiar faces. It was my parent's faces and mine. I had just watched my parents die. I looked up suddenly in shock as I saw Simon's face. If this really is my parent's death, then where did the other girl come from? There hadn't been another body. Simon stood and looked directly at me with a smirk.

"You should never let your emotion get the best of you." He laughed before walking off.

I moved back to the body and turned it over, only to yell out as I saw my angel's face. My heart started to race as I was thrown head first into full panic mode. I dropped to my knees and pulled her to my chest, tears streaming down my face. I faintly heard a ringing noise, but dismissed it, figuring it was the movie still playing. The sound progressively got louder until I turned around and yelled at the top of my lungs, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

I turned around and everything was gone, I was now at a funeral. Skylar's body was in the open casket, and my heart broke. I listened to the whispers.

"She should have stayed away from that boy." "I can't believe he killed her." "She was innocent" "-and on her birthday too!" I walked forward and looked at my darling angel. She looked so peaceful, and happy, even at this dreadful event. I felt my tears increase and went to move her hair when her eyes suddenly opened and looked at me accusingly. She sat up and turned her cold eyes on me.

"This is your fault!" She hissed, pointing at me. I stepped back in shock and denial. "YOU killed me!"

The other people started to move in closer to me, calling me a murderer. I shook my head, trying to deny everything, make it all go away. Skylar got out of the casket and walked towards me, pushing me back.

"Why Kain? Why'd you have to kill me? Why'd you have to kill me on my birthday? Why couldn't you just leave me alone?!" She screamed and I stepped back, falling down to the floor.

"No, I didn't! I love you!" I screamed at her.

She laughed and leaned down close to me. "You murdered me. You are a murderer. I wish I never met you, I HATE you!" She yelled, and everyone began to chant.

"Murderer!" "Murderer!" "Murderer!" They screamed and I yelled out for help, begging for them to stop as Skylar raised a knife above her head and brought it down with a sick smile on her face, ready to end my life and-

I shot out of my bed, covered in sweat as my heart raced, trying to get over the nightmare. I could still hear the ringing and suddenly recognized it as my phone. Slowly sitting up, I dragged my hand down my face before pulling myself off the bed and out the door toward my phone on the kitchen counter. I picked it up without checking the caller ID.

"What?" I growled angrily.

"Mr. Erickson. We are calling from the school administration because you have missed first period and you are required by law to-" A lady said robotically, making me scoff.

Missed first period? Judging by the clock, I've only actually missed about five minutes. "Don't ever call this number again." I spat, hanging up the phone and moving to take a quick shower before grabbing my phone and heading out the door.

After driving to the school in time for passing period and parking in the school lot, I walked inside toward Skylar's locker, only to stop when I saw Valerie cornering Skylar, who had a red handprint on her right cheek. Skylar's eyes changed from one of fear to one of determination, and everyone watched as she whirled around and punched Valerie in the face, sending her soaring into the lockers. I smirked proudly and walked up to Skylar, who seems to be zoning out. I put my hands on her shoulders, watching as she looked up at me.

"You did it Sky, nice punch too." I murmured.

I heard Skylar groan, and I looked up to see the principal storming toward us. He shouted Skylar and Valerie's names as his pudgy form came toward us. He grabbed them both by the arm, dragging them to the office and inside the principal's room. I followed them and waited outside, hearing everything they were saying through the non-soundproof walls.

"Skylar! HOW DARE YOU hit another student! You used to be such a wonderful child before that BOY came to this school!" I could hear the principal roar, and everyone in the main office flinched.

There was a loud slamming noise, and I smiled as I heard Skylar speak with confidence. "You listen here you fucking asshole. I've been bullied for the past YEAR and you've known about it. I almost died on your school property, and I've had enough! Kain is the best thing that has happened to me. If you try to put either of us in detention or try to suspend us, I will call my Uncle to come and take a look at all of the security footage that I know you are required by law to keep. So don't you DARE blame this on me when you're stupid niece started all of this."

I held in a chuckle, that's my girl. There was a brief pause before she started up again. "If there is anymore bullying of ANYONE at this school, I will get you arrested. There are police officers in the building at this very moment, and they will not hesitate to arrest you. If you try to destroy or delete any tapes, not only is that covering up your guilt, but that is destroying evidence and you will go to jail. Are we clear?"

There was no oral reply before the door opened and Skylar stalked out, a proud grin on her lips. I pulled her in for a hug, smiling against her head before we pulled apart and both walked out of the office. Skylar received several stares from other students as we headed to her locker and I waited for her to get her books. I kissed the side of her head before we both separated to go to our second periods. Time flew by until lunch came around, and we met again in the lunchroom. She smiled up at me in thanks, and happiness, making me happy for unleashing her confidence. We both sat down at the table and ate our food. Skylar sighed contently, leaning against me. I smiled happily, this is how things could be. I gazed down at her munching on her food.

If She's Happy, I'm Happy, And That's All I Want

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