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Scott's P.O.V

(Btw Vincent's bck)

Vincent fell asleep not too long ago. But it won't be long before he'll wake up again. I turned around to see jeremy. He was sweating and Mike was trying to help him. I then looked the other side to see bonnica and bon bon. Bon bon was talking to his father bonnie and his mother chica. He is always a happy load of carrots.

Mike P.O.V

I saw Jeremy getting.
"Where you going?" I ask.
"Where a-are t-the t-toilets?" He asks.
"Why? Are you gonna be sick?" I ask him. He nodded.
"Right I'll come with you." I said to him. I then lead him to the bathroom and he throws up in the toilet.

Vincent's P.O.V

I turn around but Mike and jere weren't there. I then see jeremy and Mike coming back. Jeremy was sobbing.

The journey was long. Longer than the days we stayed there for. (Not rrly) but it felt like it. I started feeling sick too. I did have a bit of flight sickness but this was a bit far for me. I began groaning.
"You ok Vince?" Scott asked.
"Y-yeah I'm fine." I replie.
"Whats wrong? Do you feel sick?" He asked. I nodded.
"Here, lay your head down on my lap." He said so I did so. And then...O was asleep.

Mike's P.O.V

I looked at Vincent and Scott and they were asleep. I looked at Jeremy who was half asleep. I saw bonnie comeing to check on Jeremy. Bonnie cares for jeremy like a son.
"Hey Mike. Is jeremy ok?" He asked.
"Weeel....He has been sick and has serious flight sickens." I say to him. Bonnie then had a worried expression on his face.
"Oh." He said.
"You wanna sit down next to him?" I asked. He nodded. I moved out of the middle seat and into the end. Just then, Jeremy woke up.
"Hey,Jeremy are you alright?" Bonnie asked.
"B-bonnie?" Jeremy asked.
"Shhh, its ok were almost there now." Bonnie said hugging jeremy. Bonnie then pulled jeremy fully on his body so jeremy was resting on bonnie.

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