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Scott's P.O.V

It was about 11 at night. Vincent kept on tossing and turning in bed. He almost fell off but I caughed him. He wasn't drunk any more because he woke up. And had a headache.
"Itll wear off soon. You just got drunk that's all." I say to him. He lies back down and falls asleep.

Hours later he woke up again.
"Sc-Scott..." he winced. I sat up.
"Whats wrong?" I asked soothingly.
"I-I fell sick..." he whimpered. And before I could say anything, he vomited in the bed. I rubbed his back and he vomited again.
"Hey, go to the bathroom and I'll strip the sheets ok?" I said with a worried expression. He nodded but fell as he got out of bed.
"Ouch." He whined. I helped him to the bathroom. I then walked back to strip the bed. Poor Vincent. I went to the bathroom to see him sobbing and leaning over the toilet.
"Are you ok?" I asked him.
"I feel like shit." He sobbed.
"Itll go. You just got a bit mortal last night." I say soothing him. He cries into my chest.
"It's ok, its ok." I whisper rubbing his back.
"Are you done?" He knew what I meant by this and he nodded. I carried him bridal style back to the bed. He had bags under his eyes.
"Here." I stretch grabbing some pain killers from the thing beside me.
"Thanks." He replied and took them.

Don't ask about the fnaf song.
It's almost Xmas anyway

He began whimpering in my chest. I rub his back.
"It's ok Vincent. Shhh." I whisper to him. He then sobs.
"M-my head..." He whines. He was sweating.
"It alright vinny. I'm here. Just close your eyes." I say to him.
"I-i-I can't....I'm tired but I can't...." He sobbed. I pulled him closer. His breath was shaky.
"H-h-h-help me...." He sobbed. I stroked his hair.
"I know how you feel Vincent." I whisper to him.
"I-I....I feel so sick..." He whimpered.
"I.....I feel weak......" He groaned.
"Here shall I call your sister? She'll be awake now won't she? After all its 4AM." I chuckle. He nods.

Violet,vincens sis, arrived and comforted him.
"Its ok vinny." She pouts.

Violets P.O.V

I hated seeing my little brother like this. He is 23 and I am 29.  He looked terrible.
"Whats wrong vinny?" I ask him.
"..i-....I don't kn-know..." He sobbed hard. Scott was sat next to him.
"Hey, Vincent you just got...well not a little but alot drunk last night." He explain.
"What happened? How did he get like this?" I asked hugging him and rubbing his arm.
"Well, last night we invited some friends over and Vincent got drunk. So late on in the night he had a headache and then woke up again. Then he threw up in bed." He told me. Poor baby.
"Do you feel sick now?" I asked.
" ....a-alot..." He whimpered. I hugged him tightly. Scott put his hand on his shoulder.
"Do you wanna go to the doctors?" Scott asked him.
"U-uh.......no...." He whimpered.
"Well we can't leave you in this state. What did you get drunk on?" I ask. Scott grabbed what he got drunk on....Jesus.....that's could knock people ill for days.

We tried lain killers but nope. He felt sick again and went to vomit in the Toilet. Me and scott followed him and comforted him. He looked so skinny and weak.he's never been like this. Although once he has. The only way was a doctor, or rest.
"Vincent, its either doctor or rest because this state you're in....just no.' I said. Scott had a worried expression on his face.
"...I...*sniff*....i-I should have listened to Scott.....i-I...." He sobbed hard. Scott put a hand on his shoulder.
"Vincent its ok." He said trying to comfort him. Vincent was trembling and shaking like mad.

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