Chapeter VIII

96 3 49

Callie's POV (again😛)

  I lifted my head off of Noah's chest and wiped my face with the back of my hand.
  "You know." I said hoarsely. "We need to get back up there. Malcolm probably thinks we're dead or something."
"True. Can you.. Uh?" He pointed around the bubble.
"Who else was supposed to?" I asked, pressing my hands against the bottom of the bubble. It lifted, until finally, the bubble popped and we were having to kick our feet to stay above the waves. Noah was instantly soaked, but I stayed dry. As he ran his hands through his hair to get it out of his eyes, I lifted him and myself through the air. I was just about on the boat when the air collapsed beneath us. I grabbed the hand rail, and my next immediate thought was to grope for Noah. I grabbed his wrist as he was falling.
  "Thanks." He breathed, using the side of the boat as a climbing wall, bringing him level with me. After pulling myself up, I threw myself over the bar that was supposed to keep me on deck in the first place and said
"So what did I miss?"
  "Oh, I don't know, maybe the sea throwing is around like a rag doll!" I turned to Noah.
"See?" I said. "He is too mad."
"Who?" Malcolm asked.
"We'll be alright. You're just as powerful as he is. He can't do anything that you can't fight back with." Noah said kindly.
"Who are you talking about?" Malcolm said, a little more annoyed.
"Yeah." I snorted to Noah. "Of course I am. He's only been training for five years, fought in two apocalypses-"
"You've fought in one." Noah told me.
"Yeah. I died too. He's been offered immortality by the way. And turned it down. Was I offered that? Of course not. I'll never be as good as the Percy Jackson!"
"So that's who we're talking about." Malcolm whispered.
"Callie." Noah said quietly and kindly. "Your better than he ever was at twelve."
"No I'm not. Face it." I said, and stormed off, as did Noah and Malcolm. I looked for where I could go. After turning around multiple times, I decided to go to the crows nest. I put my foot on the rope ladder, since I was scared to use my blessing from Zeus again. I didn't want to be noticed, but hey, when you're wearing a bright orange shirt and climbing a ladder into the air, it's hard not to be noticed. Well, my shirt wasn't as bright as usual, because it was splotched with blood. Man, I sound dangerous. Whoops. I finally made it to the top of the ladder, to see a basket type thing, made of old, rugged wood. I climbed over into it and plopped down, bringing my knees to my chest. I started to fiddle with one of my two French braids. It was messy, with hair coming out of it. Or, messier than normal I should say. My hair never seemed to like being neat.The braids came down just below my chest, and my raven black curls were more like frizz. I threw the braid behind my back and started to think. Not really about anything specific, but slowly, my mind started to drift towards the dreams we all had been having. Mine had been about my past, and then something I couldn't wrap my mind around. I knew it had been girls, but who? It could have been anyone.
"Hey." Whispered a voice. I jumped back and clutched my knees tighter to my chest. It was Noah, swinging his long legs over the broken wood, and sitting down.
"How do you always end up finding me?" I said, rolling my eyes.
"Well, it was Malcolm's idea to look up here, but he didn't want to climb the rope-"
"Why does he think he's so weak?" I said, exasperated. A wind had started to blow, bringing the spare pieces of hair that had fell out of the braids into my face.
"Well... When we were younger, he was always put down. He was never the strongest, always getting beat in practice fights, but of course, he was smart."
"So, he thinks he's weak because of the kids at camp teasing him?" I asked.
"Basically." He said glumly. "You know we're about to be in Alaska right?" He brightened up.
  "Really?" I asked, unfolding my legs.
"Yeah. We need to get down there and let Malcolm know I found you."
"Where did he think I was?" I said, standing up and trying to dust off my shirt. It didn't work, but I started down the rope ladder anyway.
"I think he thought that you had went into the ocean again." Noah said from above me. I jumped down from the second to last step on the rope ladder to the floor.
"Don't worry me like that!" Malcolm said, jogging over to me. "I thought we had lost you!" After what Noah had told me, I noticed how he hung his shoulders lower than normal, and how he didn't get that close when he was talking to me. I walked a little more steps towards him. He started to look uncomfortable.
"Why were you worried? You and Noah could easily do all this without me." I told him.
"Oh what ever." Noah walked into this conversation. "We wouldn't have this ship if it wasn't for you, and we wouldn't even be on the quest if you hadn't found her bandana-" I threw him a glare that made him shut up.
"Malcolm, you could handle this without me." I told him kindly.
"Callie, you're the leader, and you're so powerful-" Malcolm said carefully.
"Yeah yeah. You could do this." I told him.
"Excuse me ma'am , but we would like you to know we're docking." Said the captain marine.
"Okay. Um, thank you." I said. He went to walk away, but I stopped him. "Sir, what will you do when we aren't here to travel with you?"
"We will go back to Hades." He said gloomily.
"But what would you like to do?" I asked him.
"Well, when we were alive, we liked to sail the open seas." He said roughly.
"Well, then that's what I order you to do. And enjoy yourselves. And, uh, when I summon you again to come." I told him.
"Ma'am yes ma'am." He throatily replied, and saluted me. He turned to the crew. "Prepare for docking!" He bellowed. He crew started to get out ropes, and go to stations. Noah, Malcolm, and I just stood there watching the vivid scene of dead marines. They were yet so amazing, knowing exactly where to go and what to do, even if they were dead. Slowly, we docked, and they escorted us off the boat. We said our thanks, and they were gone.
  "Where to now?" Noah asked.
"The woods." Malcolm said calmly.
"Why?" I asked him.
"We don't have our powers. If a monster try's to attack, there a better chance of hiding in the woods."
"Honestly I forgot we would lose our powers." I said, shrugging.
"Let's go then." Noah replied. Dusk was setting as we walked into the large pine forest. The trees seemed as big as the home town sky scrapers as they tiered over us. It was also very foggy, like a thick, white mist as we walked through it. I watched above my head as it seemed as though the trees had captured us. It looked as though there was no way in, no way out.
  "Kinda creepy." Noah whispered.
  "We have to go through. But right now, we need food. I'll set up camp as you two go hunt." Malcolm said.
  "Alright." I said to him, then turned to Noah. "You cover the west, I'll cover the east." He nodded, and pulled out his sword. "Oh and Malcolm," I said, looking back over my shoulder. "Try to build a fire. Then we can see the smoke, and know this is where to come back to." And I walked off.

  After walking for what seems for hours, I walked up on a hog not facing me. I stopped, and started to creep around the trees more subtly. My knife pointed up, held out a little in front of my chest, I went to stab it. I lifted my knife, but as I did, I noticed that it had more hair than a hog. It had a long tail, silver fur, and lots of that, and a muzzle. But before I could turn away, it whipped around, snarling. It had shining turquoise eyes, and a white foaming mouth. I threw my dagger at it, but it was too quick. It flashed right in front of me, and pounced. It tackled me, and I fell flat on my back. It's foaming mouth was right above my nose as I turned my head away from it, not making eye contact, and also trying not to get bit. Suddenly, I acted. I kicked it between the legs, and it flopped beside me. I jumped up, ran to my dagger that had landed in a tree, and yanked it out. Forming it into my bracelet, I broke into a full speed run back to camp.
"Malcolm!" I yelled, almost at camp. He didn't yell back, but I saw the smoke. He was there; he had to be.
"Malcolm!" I screamed again, slowing to a jog as I entered our little campsite, and I noticed him lying on the ground, clutching his katana tightly at his side.
"Hey, why are you so tense?" I asked. I saw why he was just lying there, pale faced. There were wolves, just like the one that had just attacked me. Again, they acted quick, one attacked my arm, shredding the flesh on the inside of my forearm. I couldn't even tell what color it was, the one that bit me. I fell down to my knees beside Malcolm, unreeling Fortana in my uninjured hand. Suddenly, Noah fell out of nowhere, landing on his butt with a ploop sound.
"Where did you-" I started to snap at him.
"Not now is the best time." He whispered. There seemed to be more wolves circling us, as they mustered up low growls. There was a bright light from beside me.
"What was-"
"I don't know." I said. Just as sudden as Noah had appeared, there was someone else standing in front of us. There was a tall, African-American girl, standing in front of us with her arms crossed, tapping her foot impatiently. The wolves seemed to have silenced in her presence; I swear I saw some of them flinching, and I realized who she was.
"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" She asked the wolves. They looked as though they wanted to retreat, but they were too scared to do so. I let out a little laugh.
"Why in Hades are you-" Noah started.
"I guess it's sometime, isn't it?"
  "Guess so Asomi." I said with a grin. The wolves had noticed, and we're starting to close in again. She jerked around, and I could tell she was giving them a death glare. Literally. She's a daughter of death. She turned back to face me, Malcolm, and Noah.
   "You'd think being the queen of werewolves would stop rogues from attacking people you actually like. I mean, really!" She snorted
"This is pathetic." She said to the wolves. She ran her hand through her hair, and said to the wolves "I'm not going to ask you again." She said flatly, and there was a white flash that seemed to come from her head. "Leave with your life or stay with your death. Your choice." And with that, the wolves seemed to vanish.
"Thanks." I said to Asomi. I was still clutching my wrist as she walked over, her and Noah both crouched over it. Malcolm was shuttering from disgust from the blood, and saying it was horrible.
"It's blood dude." Asomi said. "Not nuclear waste. Chill out." Noah roared with laughter as he helped her bandage from my palm to a little bit under my elbow. Asomi had rubbed something on the wound, and handed a tub to Noah.
"It will help with the bites." She said. "Sorry about them. Rogues are bitches."
"Asomi?" I asked, Malcolm helping me up by pulling my hand. "How'd you get here?"
"The bracelets, sea princess." She said, grinning. "You don't remember the bright flash? That was me coming through."
"Well, thanks." Malcolm said.
"No prob." Asomi waved it off. "Well, Callie, I need to get back to Nico-"
"Ohhh." I heard Noah whisper. I elbowed him in the ribs, not taking my eyes off Asomi.
"The pack need me too. Later." She did a peace sign.
"Thanks. See you soon. Hopefully." I said. She then shadow traveled away.
"Well, do we need to camp here?" Noah asked.
"Let's go ahead and do it" I told him. "Trust me, those wolves won't be bothering us again." I curled up against a rock. "Night." I whispered to both of them. Malcolm gave a grunt, and Noah whispered "goodnight."


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