Chapter X

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Callie's POV

  I swatted a stray tree branch from my face before laying eyes on the city. It's wasn't huge, or big at all perhaps, but there were a few small businesses there. It sat by a sea shore. I started to the sidewalk, resisting the urge to let my fathers realm claim me. Yet Noah and Malcolm had seemed to read my mind, charging, running full speed to the water, stopping at the edge of the waves. I ran over to the beach, feeling the sand fall into my shoes. They were both peeling off their shoes.
"What are you two doing?" I asked them. Malcolm was still standing in the water, and Noah was ripping off his shirt, running into it.
"Noah, I can't do anything is you get killed!" I yelled at him. He ran farther in. "Get back here you- Malcolm! Don't follow him!" There were now people staring. I looked back, and Noah was gone.
"Malcolm, where did-" and he was pulled under the water too. "What idiots!" I yelled as I run into the water, searching for them. I waved my arms around in the water frantically, getting weird looks from the people watching from the shore. And suddenly, a claw pulled me under too.

  I was immediately wet, which I had forgotten what that felt like for a while. I opened my eyes to look around. The salt water stung, but I saw what was holding my ankle. It was a woman with seaweed like hair, and a face that seemed to change form. I tried to spin around, looking for the boys, but she dug farther into my skin.
"Would you stop it?" I tried to snap, but only bubbles had came out of my mouth. I had lost my breath. My throat was starting to burn, and I was getting dizzy. Finally, I laid my eyes on the two boys. Malcolm had somehow gotten the monster to release him, and was trying to help Noah, who was clawing at his throat. He gestured for Malcolm to leave him, but Malcolm didn't budge. Noah finally pushed him away, and he couldn't take it anymore; he kicked up, trying to surface. Noah's movements seemed to slow, and my throat felt as though it was on fire. I looked down at the monster. I decided to kick her in the face. She let go immediately; and I hurriedly swam to Noah; who looked as shocked as he was captured. I revealed Fortana. I noticed he wasn't held by a monster, but by a rope. I cut through it, grabbed Noah's hand, and started to pull him up, as he seemed to weak to kick. My throat felt as though it was being burned by Hephaestus himself, but I'm sure Noah felt worse. We surfaced. We gasped for air and spluttered, but finally, we could breath. I reached up, and slapped Noah on the back of the head. He brought his hand up to where I had hit him.
"What was that for?" He asked angrily.
"For acting like a complete idiot and going into the water!" I snapped at him.
"Well, I'm so sorry, but the songs called me."
"Songs?" I asked him.
"The voi–your–the voices." He stuttered.
"You know what, lets just get back to the shore so the voices won't get us for good." We let go off our holding hands, that I hadn't realized we were holding, and swam to shore. I plopped down on the sand beside Malcolm, and Noah did the same. He started to put his shirt back on.
"So, what were those things?" I asked Malcolm.
"I think they were sirens." He said, still trying to cough up water.
"That explains a lot. They only attracted you two because–"
"Because we're boys. They only attract males, but they probably thought you–"
"If you say I look like a boy, you won't have the stuff to prove you're one." I growled at Noah.
"I was going to say the daughter of the sea King. So you were good enough to kill. They've chosen a smart place, you know. They can kill demigods here too." Noah finished his sentence.
"Let's go into town, like we were going to in the first place, until you two dumbling–"
"Let's just go to town." Malcolm stopped me. We got up, dusted the sand off ourselves, and started to walk. The rubber bands that held the braids in my hair had both been lost in the sea, so my wet curls hit the middle of my back. My clothes were dripping wet, so I felt like a wet mop everywhere I went.
"Why don't we go in there?" Noah asked, pointing at an old shell station.
"I don't know," said Malcolm. "It's really run down, and–"
"Maybe they have food," I told them. "I'm starving." I started to walk towards it with Noah. "Malcolm, come on!" I said gesturing for him to come towards us. He came along. We made it to the door.
"It's locked." Malcolm said pulling out the handle that was supposed to open it.
  "Malcolm, the glass is broken right down there." Noah said. He climbed through the broken glass, then I did. He grabbed my hand to pull me through. I yanked my hand back.
"You don't have to help me, I'm not a princess." I said.
"Sea princess." He said as though he was informing me of something. I pulled myself through the door frame.
"Don't call me that, sunshine." I pointed at him and said.
"Would you two stop calling each other names and look for food?" Malcolm snapped at us. I went down an isle, searching for anything; yet it was all empty.
"I'm going to look in the storage room." I called back to the boys.
"Ok." Noah said. I walked over and opened the door. I was greeted with two teenagers standing with weapons, and one on the floor, crawling backward like a crab. I couldn't tell the floor persons age, I only saw a wave of straight brown hair.
"You're worthless." The one standing with a sword said.
"If worth is killing, then yes, I'm worthless." The girl on the floor spat.
"You're about to be our worth then." One standing said. They started to close in on her.
"Leave her alone!" I yelled. They turned to look at me, shock on their faces.
"Why, daughter of the sea!" One snickered. "How powerful are you now?"
"Ellen, can we please kill her? Get her out of the way?" The smaller one squeaked.
"You will not be doing anything." I told them.
"How are you going to fight me?" The tall girl spat. "No brother, no father to help you. No friends. Face it; you're as weak as everyone else."
"When I beat the everliving daylight out of you, you won't be saying that." I said calmly, narrowing my eyes to a glare. Noah had crept up beside me, sword at ready. Suddenly, they charged at us. The big one came running at me, the little at Noah. I dodged her slashing sword, and unreeled Fortana in my hand. But she was too quick. She slashed a gash through my cheek. I wiped some of the pouring blood on the back of my hand. I had to admit she was good, but I had to try and be better. She was at least 16. I sliced at her, she stumbled. I ran to the girl.
"Find the blonde boy in the store. Not the one fighting. Tell him Callie said to hide in the woods." I whispered to her, and ran back to fight the other girl. Noah had the small one pinned on the wall, his sword at his throat.
"Noah go! Follow them!" I yelled at him. He let go of the little dude, and ran. It was now me and the Ellen girl, as the small boy was just sitting there panting. We battled dagger on sword, until I hit her in her leg, and she fell. I took my chance and ran for the door, and then the forest.

"Are you ok?" Noah asked me as I ran in. "Your-your cheek. Let me try to heal that."
"Nah, I'm fine Noah, it's just a little cut–"
"Sit." He said kindly.
"I'm fine!" I said stubbornly. But he grabbed me by my waist, and sat me down. He squatted down in front of me.
"I hate you." I said, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms.
"Sure you do." He said, not looking into my eyes, but at the cut. He ran his thumb over the gash gently, and I winced. He looked into my eyes.
"I'm sorry." He whispered. "Malcolm." He turned away. "What all did you find in the store."
"I found some chips." He said. He was talking to the girl I had found. He threw a bag to Noah.
"Here Noah said, handing me a handful. I shoved them in my mouth.
"I can't completely heal the wound, but I can stop the bleeding." He said.
"Then try it." I told him. He took his shirt off, and balled it up.
"What on Gods green earth are you doing?" I asked his. He put the shirt on the ground.
"Lay down." He told me.
"Huh?" I asked him.
"Lay down. Use the shirt as a pillow. I have to put pressure on the wound." He said. I laid back. He put both of his hands on my cheek and pressed down. After a while, he lifted them up, and the bleeding had stopped.
"You have a lot of blood in that little body." Noah told me, shaking his bloody hands.
"Here." I said, throwing his balled up shirt at him. He put it back on. I walked over to the girl by the tree, the girl we had rescued. Malcolm threw me a bag of chips, which I handed to her.
"Oh, you don't have to give them to me. I'm fine really." She spluttered.
"How long had you been there?" I asked her.
"Not long." She said.
"What's your name?"
"Nevaeh." She told me.
"And who's your parent?"
"My mom's Nemesis."
"Oh well I'm-" I started to say.
"I know who you are Callie. You're also a spitting image of your father."
"So how'd you get to that gas station Nevaeh?"
"I ran from them. From Typhon. He doesn't know I did. They were there to kill me."
"Where are they? Typhon, I mean." I Asked her.
"Mount Denali. They have people captured there."
"The dreams!" Noah said. "The girls!"
"Yes, it was girls. They're draining the girls of some power." Nevaeh said.
"Let's go. She can explain more on the way. Where is Mount Denali, Nevaeh?" Malcolm said.
"We need to go North. I have a compass." She dug it out of her pocket.
"Let's go then." Noah said. We started walking into town.
"And no beach this time, you two." I told them.

Ok so hey people. This was fast to write. Hope you like it. That's all I have to say. Bye😛

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