let it go

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It had been a while since I left Arendelle. And snow had been falling hard since. I was now trudging up a mountain. Avoiding what I left behind me. Everything. I stopped, there stood a huge gap between me and the other side. There had to be another way. I hold my gloveless hand. just let it go. I pull my hands out as if pushing a door wide open. I stepped one foot out over the edge. Shutting my eyes. I ran off the cliff. My eyes fluttered open. there was a stair step where I was standing. I step forward the snow cleared. I ran my fingers against the rails. Running with the stairs. let it go let it go. Can't hold it back anymore". . I made it to what seemed like the top.  Let it go, let it go turn away and slam the door. I pull my other glove off . I began letting snow form from my palm. and making it flow as wind pushing it away making ice like gigantic snowflakes. Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway I let go of my cape.

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small. But the fears that once controlled me CAN'T GET TO ME AT ALL!. Let it go, let it go. It's time to see what I can do. Test the limits and break through. No right , no wrong. No rules for me. I'm free. Let it go, let it go. I lifted my hands and pulled them back forcing ice to come out making a snowflake. I'm one with the wind and sky. than I threw my hands up and let the power control. Here I stand and here I'll stay ,let the storm rage on". A snowflake was where my feet stood. I moved my hands around as ice walls rose from the snow connecting to one another. My feet moved forward as the walls surrounded me and a fountain made of ice spit out snow and then I moved onto building an elaborate staircase that lead up to a whole new room where the walls began rising up to build a ceiling which folded upon itself forming a chandelier that hung low enough that you could almost touch it. I felt proud of my own creation. Something is missing? A balcony! And I put both hands out and doors appeared into the wall in front of me, and then they opened it to build a floor and a iced railing formed itself on top of it.  And than on instinct my dress shimmered blue glitter and remade itself. Ice magic weaving itself over the old wool and created clear sleeves and a shimmering blue dress. And a slit had been made at the knee and gave me ice heels. And a ice cape flew behind me imprinted with snowflake. I'm never going back, the past is in the past. Let it go, let it go I will rise like the break of dawn. I put a hand to my chin and gaze over the balcony seeing the sun rise over the snow covered mountains. This was freedom. I take in a breath of air. I was finally free and alone. Let it go, let it go.I released my hair from the tight twisted bun it was in leaving the braid messy and long. I tousled my bangs back letting them fly loosely. I can be the queen I want to be.  Let the storm rage on.  I turn away now the cold wind kicking up. The cold never bothered me anyway. I slam the doors behind me walking back in the room. I was never going back to who I was

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