fix it because its your problem now

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Jack Frost

We were all at norths place. Just trying to focus on exactly what could be causing this eternal winter. They all seemed to be staring at me. "Alright, give it up Jack we all know its you!" The bunny said. Typical Kangaroo. Blaming me. "Its not him its got to be something else. I mean how could it be him if he's right here."Tooth muttered practically saying what I was thinking. bunny growled "Maybe because he is trying to trick us?" Tooth shifted in her seat annoyed .

That's when north stood up as if about to give a big speech. "LISTEN UP, WE ARE ALL VERY, VERY CONFUSED. I KNOW THAT SOME OF YOU ARE ANGRY WITH JACK. AND SOME OF YOU JUST WANT IT GONE. BUT WE CANNOT GIVE UP AND WE SHALL NOT FIGHT! JACK WE WANT YOU TO FIND THE SOURCE OF THIS WINTER AND TO DESTROY IT!" North boomed and everyone but me was nodding. "Me?" I respond in shock. North nodded approvingly. I sighed. "Why me, why not you or Tooth or that Kangaroo idiot over there?" I ask. "Because your the only one who can stand the cold, for a very long time!" Bunny exlaimed. I rolled my eyes. "So I'm guessing I should probably get going then? " Everyone seemed to feel relieved at this and waved me off. Whatever. I pull out the glowing white snow globe and escape from this mess.

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