Chapter two: Why?

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(Mat's perspective)

I'm walking home with Nate and Y/N, just excited to see Nate, when Y/N asks the worst question possible, "Nate, why did you change to this High school for only year 12?" Don't remind him of Natemare!!! I see Nate stop, so I stop with him. He's shaking...trying really hard not to change. I face him, he's eyes went from brown to almost pitch black. I see the black circles forming around his eyes and the tear lines appearing. I say to him, "Nathan Sharp is in control, not Natemare. I need Nathan Sharp back." I see him almost turning into Natemare but the tears lines start fading. I can see the pain in his eyes. The black circles are fading.  "You're OK, you're in control." I see he's crying. The circles are gone. "I'm not in danger as you're in control." He takes a deep breath and turns to Y/N and states "Because of him." We run home to get Nate out of harms way. I let him have some time alone in the guest room.
"What happened?" Y/N asks.
"Well, it all started when he was 6..."
(Nate's perspective)
I run into the guest room and lock the door. Why Y/N, why?
"Hi Nate! Did you miss me?"
"Natemare, please leave me alone!"
"But I just came back. I thought you liked me taking control. Maybe I was wrong."
"What do you want? Why come back now? You were gone for less than a month."
"Why, I thought I could have some fun with your old friends. Show them the real Nate."
"No!!!" I could feel him taking control over me. I banged my fist against the wall three times and tried to stay awake. Then I blacked out.
------------------------------------------------------ (Mat's perspective)
"And that's why you can't mention that to him."
"OK, thanks for letting me know." Y/N says.
"You're wel-" BANG, BANG, BANG! Three knocks. Nate!!
"We have to go!" I yell.
"Don't ask, just run!"

We are running out of the house when we hear one of the doors slam open. He's out. I can here his footsteps chasing after us.
------------------------------------------------------(Your perspective)
"Don't ask, just run!" Mat yells at me. We start running out of the house when I hear one of the doors slam open. I hear someone's footsteps pound after us. We get to two streets. Mat yells at me,"Go down that street and keep running away from here."
"What about you?" I yell.
"Just do it!!!" He screams at me. I run the way he told me. I look back quickly and he's gone.
------------------------------------------------------(Mat's perspective.)
"Just do it!!!" I scream at Y/N. They run the way I told them. I see Natemare running up to me but slowing down when he gets closer.
"Nate! You're in control!" I say to him.
"Aww. That's cute but he's gone-"
"Mat!" All of a sudden, Natemare just disappeared mid sentence and I can hear real Nate's voice.
"Help! Ahh! Me!"
"Nate! I'm right here for you." I put out my hands to comfort him and he twisted my arm behind my back and he put his other hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream.
"You are an idiot, aren't you? Nate isn't coming back."
I black out.

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