Chapter 4: How?

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(Mat's perspective)
I hang up the call as soon as Natemare finds me. I tried to escape as I was beaten, bruised had ribs broken and couldn't take any more.
"How did you get out?! And who was that on the phone?!" I stayed silent. He full on punches me across the face. "WHO?"
"Y/N!" I yell. Yep, I'm more screwed than in the first place. "They are coming over here, just like you wanted." Good job, Mat. You screwed not just yourself but Y/N as well. He doesn't say anything but just picks me up and tied me back in my seat. I don't try to struggle, there's no use anymore. He kneels right in front of me to say something. This is my chance. I swing my leg up as best as I can and hit him in the chin. I knocked him out! Oh my god! You are going to kill me when you wake. I look at him, his circles and tear lines are fading! When he is unconscious, Natemare has no control over him! But I probably really hurt the real Nate, s**t! I hang my head down in defeat. I start crying.
------------------------------------------------------ (Your perspective)
I'm not old enough to call a taxi or have a car, so I run to the address Mat told me. It leads me to an old warehouse. I slowly open the door to hear a thud, then silence. I start to hear someone crying. Mat! I walk in slowly, in case Natemare hear me. I stop when I see Nate unconscious on the floor and Mat tied up bruised, beaten, and just in a horrible state. I run over and kneel in front of Mat's chair. I lift his head up, but he refuses to look. Probably thinks I'm Natemare.
"I'm sorry for knocking you out!" He screams at me, still not looking. "Do whatever you want, but when Y/N gets here, just leave them alone!" Wow Natemare must have done so much to him that he's scared for our lives. "Please, just keep them safe." I can hear he's crying more than before. I grab the pocket knife from Nate's pocket and start to cut the rope free. I can see the fear and confusion on his face, I finish cutting the rope and just hug him. I feel him tense up but then settles down confused. I face him "I'm safe." He slowly opens his eyes to see me, not Nate. He hugs me really tightly and starts crying with joy not pain. "I'll call for an ambulance."

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