04: You've Got A Friend In Me

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"If you've got troubles, I've got 'em too

There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you

We stick together and can see it through

Cause you've got a friend in me"


I met Benjamin 18 years ago when I had turned 6 and he was about 7. I remember that day clear as daylight. I was so mad at my parents for say they couldn't get me a pony for Christmas like I had put down on my wish list, I had decided to run away. I wrote them a note saying I was going away and never coming back. I also told them not to look for me in the park down the street from our house because that wasn't where I was going. Yeah, I was a dumb kid. It was Christmas Eve the next day when I decided to make a run for it. I packed my bag to the brim with cookies along with a tiara and my brother's sword, in case I needed to fight someone who tried to steal my cookies and I left. Obviously, I headed towards the park to hide out.

When I got there, I saw a bunch of slightly older kids crowding something but I couldn't see what. As I got there, I realized they all seemed to be beating something up. I gasped before dropping my sparkly pink backpack in the mud before running to the spot as fast as my little legs could carry me. When I got there I realized they weren't beating up a person like I thought. They were doing something, which in my six-year-old's opinion was much, much worse. They were kicking a teddy bear. Obviously, I was furious.

I got there and began shoving all those meanies out of my way and yelling at them to stop before realizing there was a boy next to me, trying to do the same. Only he had tears streaming down his face. One of the older kids shoved him away and he fell to the ground but he didn't bother getting up again. He just sat there looking so sad that it broke my little heart but also motivated me to get the teddy bear, even more, when I realized it was probably his.

"HEY! Stop it you big bullies! Why are hurting the poor teddy bear?" I had yelled as loud as I could.

It was only then that the older boys noticed my presence. They all looked at me, looking very scared for some reason. I took the opportunity to pick up the battered teddy bear and examine it. It was so ruined, I couldn't give it to the boy who was already so sad. I suddenly remembered the teddy bear I had tossed into my bad at the last moment. I rushed back to it and pulled out my bear, Mr. Cuddles, as well the whole stash of my precious cookies and rushed back to him. I tapped his shoulder before handing him the toy and cookies and gave him a bright smile. He looked like he was going to smile back until,

"Ewwwww!! She gave Benji the cooties!!!" screamed a very annoying little boy's voice, before all the boys bolted out of there. But I really didn't care.

"Are you okay?" I had asked him softly.

"No!" he'd nearly yelled with his eyes wide and terrified, "Didn't you hear them? You're gonna give me the cooties so go away! I don't want your silly teddy bear or your silly cookies, you can keep them both." He huffed before folding his arms and turning away.

And then I was the sad one. I remember trying very hard not to start crying, "It's okay, your teddy bear is all broken so you can keep mine; his name is Mr. Cuddles. Keep the cookies too, I don't feel like having any." I sniffled. I picked up his torn and tattered bear and whispered "I don't have the cooties" before making my way to slide. I knew was crying but I tried so hard thought he'd make fun of me if he saw me crying just because of what he said. I mean, I was just trying to help.

I sat on the edge of the slide, with the teddy on my lap, drawing stuff in the sand with the sword but I hadn't put the tiara on my head. I didn't really feel like a princess at all. From the corner of my eye, I saw the boy come and stand beside me. I didn't really feel like talking to him though so I just pretended he wasn't there.

Unwillingly Mrs KingWhere stories live. Discover now