1 train, 12girls, and 5hours

9 3 0

Cedes's pov
                        Oh the delicious hilarity of her face, oh just, wow. That redhead from district four sure is easy to scare! But, on the other hand, I'm pretty scared myself, I mean, I'm about to just waltz into an arena where, a: I will be slaughtered, or b: Slaughter some other dude. Better to scare 'em all now before they scare me in the middle of the night two days from now with a butcher knife. The blam! I'm either dead meat or dead meat eighty years later in hell for killing all twenty three of these dudes. My makeup dude or whatever you wanna call him is trying to get me to wear a dress. Yeah, good luck to you buddy, have fun with that. I'm legit sitting in the living room of the girls area of the "hotel" and then that crazy redhead comes over and goes into this I'm sorry speech. Good, I'm getting some respect around here. Wait one second..... "And well, the girls from district one and three were wondering, well, I was wondering too, if maybe we could do like, ya know, some sort of alliance. I know we got off on the wrong foot, but well it-"
Hold up! I'd agree to the alliance if it weren't a life or death situation here, but the thing about alliances are when you hit the end, they either turn on you or you have to turn on them, and if you get too attached to your teammates, then it's gonna be a looooooot harder to kill them. At this point my brain stopped working and my mouth just blurted out" Yeah, sure. Now get me some coffe or I slice you tomorrow." Then she ran off to grab some coffee and seemed genuinely afraid. Nothin like the death threats. I could get used to this.....

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