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Jane's pov
                    And 3,2,1......BOOM!!!!! I have a decision to make. Either I run into the Cornucopia, or run to the orangey red mountains that are behind me. Then I hear the sound of my district one companion scream as he's sliced in half. I decide I don't want to look stupid and die on the first day. As I ran for the mountains I screamed "PRESIDENT SNOW!" and ran even faster. That was supposed to be be our code word follow me, then they are supposed to pretend to be "chasing me," which works. I grab a small, but sharp dagger as I run up a small hill. The girls follow me to a different biome. The biome the cornucopia was set in was a desert biome. Right now we are in a thick and dark forest, which could be used to our advantage. We stop to rest and throw the blankets that Cedes picked off one of her victims onto the higher branches of the tree and took turns resting. Magi didn't trust Cedes to keep watch when we were about to rest" There is no way I'm going to sleep, while to girl who THREW ME OFF A TRAIN keeps watch and  trust that I won't have slit throat an hour later!"Magi protested.
                "Fine then I won't make sure that those goofballs from the other districts don't shoot you in the face with a bow and arrow. Plus, I wouldn't make your death quick. This is live television, Im going to give the audience a show," then she turned up towards the sky and screamed" This is not a negotiation! This is the HUNGAR GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMESSSSSSSSS!" It was getting super annoying, so while they were arguing, Meg and I built a small, but functional treehouse near the top of the tree. Once we finished, I started to camouflage it so well, I couldn't really tell anything was there.

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