You Caught Me!

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Meg's pov
That night we slept in the treehouse, I was the first person to keep watch. I sat atop the roof, camouflaged in a black fleecy blanket watching the faces of the dead appear in the dark, night, sky. I counted out seven dead. If the games keep going on at this speed it should be over before the week ends. After my turn was over and Cedes was keeping watch I decided to set some traps. I picked a knife off Jane and climbed out of the treehouse. I took some ropes with me and walked to the small lake where Sam or whoever's body still might be. I set a couple of traps in the nearby trees. They are the kind oft traps that hang you upside down. I chose the spot by the lake because you need water to survive. That way we could catch more people and food. I started to hum an old song I learned in kindergarten. It's really kind of creepy and shouldn't have been sung to young children, but hey, they were going to throw us in here later anyways. The song is about this dude who was hung because he did something bad, and so he waits for his wife by the tree he was hung on, but she never comes. So he keeps waiting and waiting and hoping she kills herself. When I was done it was almost morning so I decided to walk back to camp. Then I heard somebody yelp. I turned around and there he was. Jackson, this annoying boy from third grade"You caught me!" he said, fear, shaking in his voice.
I threw a rock at him and walked away after looting the large backpack that fell off of him. He didn't have much, just a couple of arrows and a crossbow.

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