Weird little thing

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You see this? Read it!!

*Clay slaps Macy on the check*
"What the heck?" Macy said.
"You see this? It's mine!" Clay yelled.
"Wtf?" Macy said under her breath.


Clay:Good morning sunshine. Get up ;)😉

Macy:Good morning,don't tell me what to do 😠


*Macy has left the chat*

*not texting*
"Seriosly? Ugh!! She' on her period isn't she?" Clay said.

Cudling in bed:
Macy's thoughts:ahh,so warm and comfterble....
Clay's thoughts:oh my freaking god!! Her hairs is in my face!!!

Hope you enjoyed the randomness. Cuz I did. Btw,the picture on the media part,imagine if that was Clay and Macy talking. And if you can't see it tell me and I'll write it in the chapter. That is all. Bye!!!

Word count:130

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