Bandaids won't heal it

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Your pov

I always love working at this place, I thought as I was entertaining the 10-year-olds. from the first show, I did to the first birthday party I've hosted. But then again working here at Freddy's. It's like I'm living in two different worlds. In one world I'm happy doing what I do best entertain. But in the other world, I get beaten, starved, abused mentally, used as some toy and I can never fight back. I'm just too weak from the day. I tell them, "don't cut me,punch me,just let me go." I've gotten that dirty deed of a job. Dead end vibe. All of this... just because I want to be different and kids love it but I believe it will all change someday. Still bandaids won't heal it cause they hate me. For now its a cold and its a broken hallelujah. I prevent a tear from sliding down my face. I finally end the show with a plastered smile on my face hoping none of them notice. They don't need my pain and suffering on them. They're just children. little creatures that deserve joy and happiness nothing more nothing less. I pray that I can last long enough to keep protecting them.


sorry for being so short this is my first book so don't judge too hard

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