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Your pov

I walk with Freddy into his room still unsure about everything. Then I felt my back being struck with a force as i fell onto the floor. I i cock my head around to see Freddy's eyes full of lust and anger. He ties my hands and feet together so i won't move. Tearing a ripping all my clothes off I let out a loud scream. 

Foxys pov

All of us heard a somewhat like scream in Freddy room. We all ran in there but the door was locked. I run back and bust into the door breaking it. we burst in to see y/n getting topped on. I threw Freddy across the room making him hit a wall. Knocking him out cold. I untied everything and I asked y/n "ye okay" He nodded his head in agreement. I took him to my cove a have him recover for this traumatizing experience.

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