| admin: Peanut

17 4 0

- interview start -

Can you tell us your username and name?

Just call me Peanut,or Morning Glory if you want to.
(I know that Peanut isn't a great name
but to me it has a great significance.)

When is your birthday and how old are you?

I shalt not disclose.

Where do you live?

Somewhere with the very vital element of life;water.

When and why did you start making graphics?

When i started?
You've got to be kidding!
With my awesome memory
You think I would remember?
I think...
it must have started
when my sempai
Sherri was busy
doing a cover a
few months ago.
The one with my
favourite Midorima
and a lil Polaroid frame.
I was in need
of a cover for
My book,Jednex.
Hence, I started
learning the ropes
from Sherri sempai.

What are your other specialities apart from making graphics?

I like to draw,but my drawings suck, hence i have not drawn for almost a year. I like to waste my time watching animes. Animes are my vital essence for survival.

Why did you decide to make a collaboration account with the 2 other admins?

We actually discussed once about making a cover contest and its difficulties. I had actually thought of making one before meeting Melodie sempai. However, i do not have the brains to think of themes and make up nice covers. Prizes are part of the consideration too. Well, now I have two sempais that are awesome, and Melodie sempai is good at commenting and judging, so why not? Sherri Sempai introduced Melodie Sempai to me through Whatsapp one day, saying that both Melodie sempai and I like Kuroko. And we became friends shortly after. (I didn't expect Melodie Sempai to be the cheerful and optimistic type,which is good for communication because i always make the conversation bad)

What would you rate your graphics on a scale of one to ten?

I shalt rate it a 5. I do not know when the colour scheme becomes bad and when I make an awesome
break through. So on average,
a 5 would be enough.

:D Thank you and have a nice day!

hope you liked my humour~


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