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Hi!Admin Peanut/Morning Glory here!

1. What is your favourite anime?
>Tokyo Ghoul because it really moved me.(I have a whole list of favourite animes but this is one of my favourites of the favourites.)

2. What is your favourite book?
>Twilight.(Team Edward!Hurray!)

3. Which song do you like most?
>Unravel:D.(It really describes me hence I really loved it)

4. How do you feel about your writing?
>I don't do much writing nowadays,but from the way I speak,you already know that my English is of the lowest quality.>﹏<

5. Have you ever thought about romance?
>I did last time(many years ago).Now I feel that romance is a waste of time.Why even think about it?

6. What is the most cliché scenario that you've ever seen?
>Love at first sight.It appears in almost all Disney movies,and many other movies.Which is really stupid.I mean like,how can you like someone by just seeing them once?I bet they mostly fell in love with each other's outer looks than what's on the inside of the character.

7. If you suddenly found yourself in a harem, what would you do?
I'm the nerd who sits in the corner of the classroom and hopes that no one notices me.And even if I wanted them to notice me,I'll still be Kuroko.That's why I like Kuroko.He's cute and he always disappears.>﹏<

Since this is a 'if' question...I would try to acquire Kuroko's amazing misdirection and slip off hoping that no one stalks me on social media or on my way home.

You just read a sceptical nerd's response.Hope you won't take any offense...

Thank you!:D


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