| admin: Sherri

16 4 0

- interview starts -

Greetings! I am the interviewer for today! Nice to meet you!

Hey hey hey!
Nice to meet you too *smiles*

Okay, so the first question is can you tell us your username and name?

ReverS3 (pronounced Reverse) but please call me Sherri.

Oh! Thanks for agreeing to this interview Sherri-san. Secondly, when is your birthday and how old are you?

For privacy purposes, I can't reveal my age and exact birthday. Does it help if I tell you my life is a joke?

Ahh. I'm sorry for the rather personal question... This next question is also quite personal though.. Would you still like to answer it?

Why not *laughs*

Okay then. Thirdly, where do you live?

Somewhere on Earth with a seven-year-old piano and a lot of sunshine.

Oh! You must be able to play the piano well then! I think the viewers would also love to hear you. Perhaps after this interview you could play for us? That aside, when and why did you start making graphics?

Ahaha, I'm just average at piano, but sure, why not?
I started making them last year. Not really sure, but I remember that I wanted to make a cover for my first book, Fate's Melody and was inspired by beanpaii. (ahaha)

*nods head* I see. What are your other specialities apart from making graphics?

Hm...how about being weird and a good for nothing?

*stone face* Also, why did you decide to make a collaboration account with the 2 other admins?

Hm... we were probably inspired by those graphic accounts and so suggested the idea. Oh and the other admins wanted to host contests on my account but I didn't want to so...yeah lol

Oh! I see. Then you all must be quite close right? Lastly, what would you rate your graphics on a scale of one to ten?

To be honest, the three of us only got to know each other a few days ago (or was it last week) *coughmatchmakingskills
How about 5? *laughs again*

Ohhh. I understand. *stands up*
Thank you so much for answering my interview questions! It was a pleasant time talking with you.
*offers to shake hands*

No problem! Thank your for your time.
*stands up and shakes hand awkwardly*

- interview over -

interviewer: melodie :)

PS: side note from me but this conversation was priceless lmao.
- mello

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