| admin: Melodie

16 4 0

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Can you tell us your username and name?

My name is Melodie and my username is @MelodieSnow. You can also choose to call me Mello if you'd like :) honorifics are fine with me :-) ^^

When is your birthday and how old are you?

My birthday is actually on the 2nd of July. It's just 2 days before 4th July, a country's birthday so it makes my birthday easier to remember~ As for my age, I shall not reveal~

Where do you live?

In a land far far away, further beyond the Milky Way. There, lies a planet, a planet similar to Earth with only one difference. There's only one human.
Pshh. I'm just joking XD HAHAHA. I live in a country that lacks my all favourite winter //cries

When and why did you start making graphics?

To be honest, I actually had interest in editing back in 2012 but it was never fully explored until 2015, when I finally had a computer of my own to use and felt the need to start editing and creating graphics again.  I started my first cover shoppe mainly because I was extremely motivated and intrigued at how others can create beautiful covers and thus, I decided to our my creativity and thoughtfulness to use. And then we reach to today!

What are your other specialities apart from making graphics?

Personally, writing is my forte. It is after all, the very reason I joined Wattpad for - to write. I love creating stories and graphics making is just another hobby of mine. I am also a tenor saxophonist as well as a swimmer. I do have a nice singing voice though ^^

Why did you decide to make a collaboration account with the 2 other admins?

It started out with a simple introduction / meeting because of  Sherri, wanting to introduce us since we both liked Kuroko no Basket. To be honest, this whole collaboration started because we wanted to join / host a cover contest but didn't want to do one on our individual accounts. Thus, aozoragraphix was formed. Through this experience, I have got to know another person aka Peanut-zie, that I actually wouldn't mind calling a friend ehhe. Oh and the discussion process is really fun:-) i'm glad we didn't fight pheww. I tend to bring about chaos because i am such a debater #whyyy

What would you rate your graphics on a scale of one to ten?

Hmm, I'd like to say on average a 7/10 but sometimes when I don't put in effort, it looks half-assed. But don't worry! I rarely slack when making a cover because I treasure the process and result. I will not give up halfway nor produce and give any customer a imperfect cover!

Any last comments before the interview ends?

Truthfully, I sincerely hope that one day, our graphic making skills will surpass the HEAVENS.
BYE EVERYBODY!! *smiles and waves*

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