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He's my lover
To me he's nothing but a dust cover

I hate him, yet I can't get over him
I wish he was dim
So I didn't have to see him
Sadly, he is as bright as a rim

I secretly watch over this love I can't get over
He is like my special three leaf clover

I watch him from afar to check if he's okay
My stupid self should check myself since I'm not okay
My heart is slowly starting to decay

I just want to talk
While we walk
Instead I just stalk
Watching him like a hawk

Not in a creepy way
Just checking if he is okay

I hate him just as much as I love him

I hate myself more
I wish I could just ignore

This feeling inside
I wish I could just decide
And put these feelings aside

I hate myself

I used a person to get over him

It just made my situation worse
This is like a curse

I hate him

He's a cheater
I am just a weeper

He's a liar
Have I just became blinder?

He's a player
I fell for his games

I complain
I don't mean the words I say
I want to find a way

o get him to stay

I want him away at the same time
This is apart of mankind
I'm sick of coming up with a these ryhmes
For each pointless line

He obviously doesn't care
He is rare

My friends tell me "there are other fish in the sea"
None of the fish are like him, I see
The ocean is filled with debris

Whoops! Those are idiotic boys! My mistake!

Sadly he's one of the idiotic boys
Who played with me like I'm some sort of toy
I'm a toy that will destroy
His fragile heart I will have destroyed
Why destroy something he doesn't have? What a joy!
He's obviously a playboy
That I like to annoy
He is such a killjoy

But if I'm honest

I just want to talk
While we walk
Instead I just stalk
Watching him like a hawk

Not in a creepy way
Just checking if he's okay

I care about him deeply
If his eyes land on me, I look away quickly

I check up on him every weekday
Just checking if he's okay

But, I'm not okay...

Somebody please help me

Poems From an Insecure GirlWhere stories live. Discover now