What's Your Story? - Tyler Joseph

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Poem by Tyler Joseph
Stay alive frens |-/

This is a line
And this line is mine
You will kindly find that my feet and spine
are perfectly aligned.
You'll also find that on either side is a plus
and a minus sign

Right now I'm on this line, minus this,
now I'm online

This is a line and this line is mine
You will kindly find my feet and spine
are on the plus sign
Now I'd like to assign
and also define
what one might find
on this side of the line

I will now pretend that there are no consequences
of saying something offensive online
no matter what
my ignorant friend says.

'Cause words are all I have
and yeah, I know it's sad
we hide behind the mask
of the latest social networking fad
so there's respect in my status whether through Mark Zuckerberg or Tom.
I'll treat you the same in person
And yeah, I'll accept your friend request mom.

This is a line
and this line is mine!
You will kindly find my feet and my spine
are on the minus sign
Now I'd like to assign
and also define
what one might find
on this side of the line

Now I might seem unassuming but if you only knew
what I was doing
brewing, spewing, spitting venom
when I'm at that screen, I ruin.

Reputations I will splatter
typing faster I get madder.
All the insults I will gather. You're so lucky it's only Saturday.

You have one day. Oh yes, Sunday
For my words to die away
And in that one day
I must say, your gonna wish you had a different name.

But then it's Monday.
And at school,
I'll remind them all of what I said
Then it's Tuesday
And then it's Wednesday
And then we'll all find out...
You're dead..

This is a line
And this line is mine!
And now that I have assigned what one might find
On either side
You will kindly find that my feet and my spine
Are on the plus sign

And I'm not moving

Where are you?

Stay alive! |-/

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