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Let me introduce myself to you a little.

Hi I'm Tyler and this is my journey to happiness; of course it hasn't been easy to get to this stage, but if you give up you'll never achieve anything.

In case you're wondering, I'm 19 years young and I still haven't learnt how to sing. I'm just kidding, but on a more serious note; I'm transgender and I pray for the day my beard will grow. It sounds silly right? Honestly though, with my facial and bodily features I feel that I might not pass as male; it's mainly my voice and not having a beard that gives it away.

Now let's talk about my height. Ha, you'll understand why. I'm basically around 5ft4 which means after everything, I'll still be one very short male. It doesn't help that I'm as skinny as french fries, think about it in the world we live in. It's all fake and pressurising to look a certain way. Guess what truly matters?

Can you think yet?
Yes, you who is reading this. No matter how you feel or what you believe in. How many times you said you'll do something but you didn't. If you feel like you have no one or want to give up. Just take a deep breath, YOU come first. YOU matter so much even if it doesn't seem like it at this moment in life. Be true to who you are and DON'T give up. YOU have everything to look forward to, time is precious so spend time being happy and focus on being happy. Take one small step at a time if you have to but if you believe in yourself, others will too.

I have many hobbies and interests; most of the time I just do the same thing really. I have a few close friends and without them; I'd be sad and lonely. I'm not judgmental I will listen to all types of music, I do have my favourites but I love music in general. I guess I'm sporty but I'm also lazy. My favourite colour is sky blue and I love gazing up at the stars on a warm night.

Trapped! FTM Transgender Where stories live. Discover now