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The day was light and clear. A perfect day for something to go wrong. Or, in Sophie's case, something to go completely right. Sophie woke Avery by shaking the sleeping bag. 

"Lets move!" Sophie cried excitedly. Avery groaned, but followed Sophie as she walked through the forest. Avery was about to fall asleep on her feet, when Sophie abruptly stopped. Avery stumbled, but righted herself. 

"Look!" Sophie whispered. Avery looked around, but didn't see anything.  "Over there!" Sophie pointed, and Avery saw a brown, furry animal standing in the bushes. It had horns and a snout, and seemed to be rooting around for food. 

"It's a warthog!" Sophie cried out, then quieted her voice. "Let's kill it." Avery's eyes widened. The thought of Sophie killing anything, especially her favorite animal (her token was a necklace with a warthog) was enough to make Avery shudder. 

Sophie crept out in the clearing with a spear. Avery followed with a knife. Sophie took a deep breath and threw. It wasn't a good throw by any means, but it embedded itself in the warthogs side. The warthog let out a grunt of pain. Avery finished the warthog off with her knife. 

Sophie frowned at the warthog carcass. "Sorry, Warty," she said, "But thank you!" She and Avery hauled their meat back to their makeshift camp. They cooked the warthog as fast as they could. Sophie smiled after they were done. 

"Warthogs are the BEST!!" Sophie cried. Avery had to agree. 

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