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Axl and Slash are in the recording studio together after the guys leave to go to the bar.
Slash is sitting in a chair playing a little melody on his acoustic guitar. Axl watches in a chair opposite. He loves the way Slash's fingers delicately move along the strings and how his curls gently swing as he sways to the tune.

Slash looks up to catch Axl watching him.

Slash: What?

He let's out a light chuckle at the way Axl is admiring him.

Axl: You're just so fucking cute. I've never told you this but you just are. Every fucking thing about you is adorable.

Slash stops playing and looks up at Axl confused.

Slash: Is this some kind of prank? Are you trying to set me up or something? What are you talking about?

Axl slumps into his chair.

Axl: No no. I just thought I'd tell you.

Slash inhales sharply.

Slash: Oh. Well thanks I guess but like don't say it again. It's a bit wierd you know.

Axl: Oh ok.

Slash carries on playing his little melody and Axl continues to watch.

Slash feels something on his head so he violently shakes his hair to get it off but it doesn't stop tickling.

Slash: What the fuck is that?

Axl: Sorry. I've never properly felt your hair before. It's so soft and nice.

Slash frowns.

Slash: Well, you have actually, when I lean on you at shows and stuff. Just stop being so gay.

Axl: I'm not being gay

Axl slumps his shoulders and lowers his head feeling a little offended by Slash's remarks.

He waits a little while before mentioning the song they were all working on this afternoon.

Axl: Hey I think I've got an idea for rocket queen.

Slash stops playing and sets his guitar down to stretch his back.

Slash: Yeah? What're you thinking?

Axl: Come to the recording studio. I'll show you.

Slash: Okey doke

Slash follows Axl into the recording studio and they both sit down in the large leather seats situated infront of the mixing board tables and glass screen.

Axl scoots his chair forward so he can reach the buttons easily.

Axl: So like at the part where you're playing your guitar solo, it seems a bit empty so I was thinking of adding something in there.

Slash: Ok like what?

Axl: Well like um. Just listen to the section first.

Axl leans over Slash and brushes his arm on his chest as he pushes the button.

The beginning of the solo starts playing and they listen while tapping their feet along to the song.

Axl presses the button again to stop the tune and turns to face Slash.

Axl: So basically I was thinking. Uuuum. This is actually a bit embarrassing.

Slash: Come on. I want to go to the bar with the guuuuuuys.

Axl: I just thought it would suit the song to put some like you know, moans in there. To spice it up a bit.

Slash stares at him blankly for a second.

Slash: Well yeah alright. You can pick something from my porn collection and record it from there if you want.

Axl: Eeeh I was thinking like a real person could record it, you know, in the studio.

Slash: Uuh like who?

Axl shuffles his chair closer towards Slash which made him feel a little uncomfortable.
Axl lowers his voice a little.

Axl: Well you know.

Slash: What?

Axl: You knoooow.

Slash: Ooh no no. You can't do that!

Axl: Oh sorry. I thought... nevermind.

Slash: You think Duff would actually let you fuck Mandy?

Axl: Huh? No I didn't mean her.

Slash: Who then? Can you please hurry up! I want a drink.

Axl scoots his chair even closer so that their knees are touching.
Slash looks down quickly then back up at Axl who's sporting a little smirk.

Slash: What are you doing Axl?

He turns his head and fiddles with a knob on the mixing deck before feeling hot breath on his ear causing him to freeze in place.

Axl whispers huskily.

Axl: You knooooooow.

He let's a out an airy laugh into Slash's ear which makes his spine shiver.

Slash: Axl I don't know what you're doing. Stop.

He starts to stroke Slashes thighs which makes him jolt a little.

Axl: Do you need to know?

Axl brings one of his hands up to Slash's cheek and gently turns his head to look directly into his shy brown eyes.

Axl: Slash.

Slash: Yeah?

His voice is barely a hoarse whisper.

Axl: Kiss me

Slash: Uuuuh

Axl leans in while Slash tries his best to lean back. He soon gives in to Axl's warm lips as they lock with his.
Axl softly presses into Slash and slips the tip of his tongue slowly into his mouth. Slash stops fighting and allows Axl to straddle his lap; the leather squeaking as Axl gyrates his hips on Slash's crotch.
Slash lift up Axl's shirt at the corner and brushes his fingertips along his now bare back.

They both separate for a second to catch a breath before going back at it, more passionately than before.

Slash: I always knew you were a little bit gay.

Axl: Always have been and always will be as long as you're around Slash...

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