Chapter 11

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Soon Dave's voice sounds muffled, my thoughts and heart breaking louder.

Dave has the right to like John, not me.

Dave Strider's POV:

John's just called me to ask where I'm at and shit. When she says goodbye, I hang up the phone and look at Karkat: her hands are buried in her face, some pieces of hair dangling over. A sudden pain pangs me.

"Hey, Karkat," I say with a slightly calmer voice, "Are you okay?"

My heart starts to beat faster as I start to worry about what Karkat could be feeling right now.

I hear her sniffle, then say quietly, definitely through tears, "Yeah, I'm fine."

My heart breaks a little as to hear her crying again. Not again.

"God Karkat, you are not fine!" I say and put my hands around her wrists. "Please tell me what the hell is going on?"

I pause. "Is it about my sister? 'Cause I'm fine, I made it through... My eyes? ...Some event in your life?" I ask. Karkat shakes her head to all of the questions.

God I'm really losing my mind right now. Especially for me, again, a Strider. Really, I should be doing better right now, but at this specific moment, I can care less.

"Karkat, I-"

A sound of a door slamming then creaking open comes from downstairs, making Karkat jolt a bit. She then lifts up her head, out of her hands, to reveal a face full of tears and redness but also a slightly confused expression. She then looks around quickly in panic as I wonder.

"Why are you panicking?" I ask her, honestly wondering.

She flips open the doors of her closet then looks at me, and I know she wants me to get in.

"Are you-" I begin but get interrupted by Karkat pulling me by my wrist. She pushes me into the closet and shuts the door.

I look through the faint, striped light through the wood panels of the closet and see her put a finger to her mouth as to be quiet. I decide to listen to her and be quiet, even though I don't really know what the hell is going on.

Karkat quickly jumps into bed, covers herself with her bed's blanket, and shuts the lamp light off. Almost instantly, a woman with short black hair and wearing a red turtleneck opens the door and peeks in.

"Karkat?" The woman speaks through a quiet tone, "Are you awake?" Karkat doesn't reply or move.

The woman sighs and just stands there for a moment as to be thinking. After a few seconds, she sits with caution on the edge of the bed (I'm guessing near Karkat's feet). This time, I notice Karkat barely pull the blankets up to her face to cover more of herself.

"Karkat. I know you are awake," the red turtleneck-ed woman speaks. "Would you mind listening to my feelings about this present and past situation between us? I don't want to trigger you though, because I don't want to make you uncomfortable or-"

"What the hell do you want?" Karkat croaks through annoyance and the blanket.

The woman sits up a bit when Karkat swore, seeming a little uncomfortable, then back to herself from before. "I would like to.. speak with you about terms and situations that we have not yet discussed about before. Terms and situations that may trigger you throughout the time that I was presently gone, or possibly when I'm present in front of you."

Furrows & Sea (Davekat fanfic) {genderstuck}Where stories live. Discover now