Chapter 3: The Fated Darkness

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Audrey's dad shrugged going back to lighting the fire.

" Alright, it was just a nightmare. You did give yourself quite a scare yesterday. Wear something heavier, today we are going fishing." He noted getting up back to his test probably to wake her step-mom up.

Audrey sighed going back in to her own tent, kicking her brother out so she could change. She grabbed a jacket to go over her flannel and put on combat boots not looking forward to fishing at all.

She hated fish and the water. She didn't have good experiences in water, one time they went on a cruise and the water would not stop rocking the cruise, it got so bad that she even fell overboard and had to be saved by the extremely cute lifeguard that wouldn't stop laughing.

She wasn't good in planes either if she was completely honest. The turbulence always bothered her and she felt incredibly sick no matter how much medication she took.

She grabbed her phone, it was charging on one of the ten portal chargers she brought with her. She saw that as always she got no texts or calls. She wasn't exactly popular and she was socially awkward to the point where meeting new people freaks her out.

She sighed and got up letting her very angry brother in to the tent. She got out to find her dad and her step-mom together packing things for the fishing trip, her dad with a granola bar in his mouth. Audrey grabbed a granola bar going next to her dad. She immediately lost her appetite when she saw the container full of worms that were still alive.

"Eww." She screamed jumping back.

"Oh well get used to it kiddo. We have to use these to catch fish." Her dad said putting them away in to a bucket.

"I'm not touching those." She stated.

"You need to if you want to fish, wait let me rephrase that. You have to touch them because you are fishing with the rest of the family."

"I don't even like fish." She grumbled walking away to see what her step-mom was doing.

"I heard you had a nightmare? Aren't you a bit too old to be getting that scared over one?" Her step mom joked while putting sandwiches and drinks in to a cooler. "I didn't get scared, just a bit.. um.. disheveled."

Her step-mom raised her head with a smirk and looked back down chuckling.

"Go get your brother and tell him to hurry up, we head out in a minute." Audrey walked to the tent shaking it,

" Come on brat, we got to go." She yelled. Dustin came crawling out," Is it your life goal to make mine horrible."

"Yep" she replied with a smirk pushing Dustin's hat down. Together they all walked down to the near by river that was only a ten minute walk.

By the edge was a booth with an extremely upset and bored looking man standing in side it. The north was covered in pictures of different boats and had the A sign that read," rent a boat today!" Her dad got them a small boat with a rusty old motor that only went .5 mph.

When they finally got far enough where her dad thought they could catch something, they all expect for Audrey grabbed fishing poles and started putting worms on the hook. Audrey was just trying not to get water or worms on her. After they threw their lines in to the water they waited for half an hour and still nothing.

"How much longer?" She groaned.

"Audrey, patience is very important. This could take hours, but we are staying here until we catch something." Her dad responded still reading his fishing for dummies book.

Audrey groaned leaning against the side of the boat. Something caused the boat to rock slightly, while the rest of her family were not bothered by it Audrey fell out with a scream followed by a splash.

She tried to get back up, trying to swim to the top when she felt something wrap around her leg. She reached to rip off whatever was around her leg when it pulled her down. She let out a scream and tried swimming back up, but whatever was holding on to her wouldn't let go. It had a painfully tight grip on her.

She reached down grabbing on to something scaley, she tried to pull it off to no avail. She resorted to scratching at it, but it refused to let go. Whatever was holding on started to burn on her leg. She let out a scream unable to hold it, she felt her self starting to run out of air as her nostrils filled with water.

"Your mine child." Whispered the voice from her nightmare.

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