Chapter Two

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"Well hello there, pretty lady! How are you today?"
Jazmine grinned. "Why, Jonas Clyne...Are you flirting with me?"
"It workin'?"
Jazmine laughed at the Head of Maintenance and Security. Jonas was an ex-cop in his fifties, with a wife, four kids and a wicked sense of humour.
"You are so good for my ego, Jonas. You make my day."
Jonas winked. "One day soon someone who is worthy of you, is gonna sweep you clean off your feet, you beautiful girl." He smiled warmly.
Jazmine sighed. "A girl can dream, Jonas."
He beamed at her. "Dreams can come true, sugar. You have a great afternoon. Holler if you need anythin'."
Jazmine opened the door to the art room. "Will do. Thanks, Jonas." She entered the room, closed the door and was stopped in her tracks. Sat proudly on the middle of the desk was a huge, red poinsettia plant in a white wicker pot. Jazmine gasped and walked up to it. WOW! It was SO beautiful! She'd have to lock it in the cupboard for safekeeping and then put it back on the desk for Mrs. Lewis the Art Teacher, when all her children had gone...


What the..? Why is my name on this plant..? Jazmine stared at the gift tag and then reached out and stroked one of the pretty, star-shaped petals. It felt like the richest of velvets. But who would leave her such a gift without letting her know?


Despite her best efforts in helping the children paint pictures of holly and mistletoe at Art Club, Jazmine's mind kept drifting back to her mysterious plant. The only people who would do something as nice as that were the twins...unless it was...Jonas..?
Before she could check herself the red paint pot she was holding slipped from her hand and fell to the floor, splattering everything within its reach, in bright crimson paint.
"AWW! MISS GREEN!" The children immediately chorused, obviously enjoying having the tables turned on her for once.
Dammit! "Everyone move away from the paint!" Jazmine exclaimed. She grabbed a couple of chairs and cordoned off the wet floor, then set up the group of children who were nearest to the paint, in another area of the room. A tendril of hair escaped from behind her ear and she swiped it away in agitation. When the final child was collected from Art Club, she bolted down the corridor in search of one of the twins.

She really WOULD have to leave that poinsettia for Mrs. Lewis if she stained the floor...

She heared the familiar buzz of the vacuum coming from the staff room, so ran breathlessly towards it. Claudette was busy manoeuvring the appliance around the chairs as she burst into the room.
"Gracious, girl! What's happened to you now?" Claudette exclaimed, stopping the vacuum and coming towards her.
"I...need the...mop. Please...can I...have the...utility keys," Jazmine panted rapidly.
"Honey, you need to calm yo'self down. Take some deep breaths. Lemme get you some water." Claudette turned to go towards the en-suite kitchenette.
"NO!" Jazmine gasped, making her friend turn in surprise. "Sorry, Claude. I didn't mean it like that. I just need to work fast. I spilt a pot of red paint all over the floor and it looks like I murdered Santa! I can't let it leave a stain, Mrs. Lewis won't let me back in her room!"
All thoughts of floor staining disappeared from Jazmine's mind. As suddenly, out of the adjacent kitchenette, walked the most beautiful man she had ever seen...

Over six feet of prime male inundated Jazmine's eyes, until she felt he was taking up the whole room

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Over six feet of prime male inundated Jazmine's eyes, until she felt he was taking up the whole room. Thick, dark hair was kissed with soft waves. Golden skin glinted under the fluorescents. High cheekbones looked even more defined thanks to angles of dark stubble that covered his jaw and chin. A mouth so smooth and perfect, Jazmine felt herself heat up and hurriedly took her eyes off it...Only to be greeted with eyes the colour of clear blue topaz, which were staring intently at her.
Claudette dramatically cleared her throat. "Oh...I don't think you two have been introduced. Jazmine, Jack Parker..."
Jack Parker? Jazmine frowned. Then it hit her. Holy heck! The gift from the Gods...

"Hi..." She began, her voice all breathy like she couldn't get enough air.
You sir, are very attractive. Therefore, I shall stare at you...
Jack Parker's beautiful eyes widened and his lush mouth opened slightly on almost a gasp. But rather than respond, he gave her a curt nod and turned, sat down in a chair and opened up a laptop that was on the coffee table.
What the..?
Jazmine looked across at Claudette who shrugged and looked as confused as Jazmine felt.
"CLAUDETTE! Where you at?" Margaret shouted from the corridor.
"Staffroom, sis. Get in here!"
Jazmine shakily held out her hand to Claudette. "Keys," she whispered.
Claudette shook her head as Margaret appeared in the doorway. "Take over here, sis. Jazmine's got an Emergency Code Red in the art room and needs my help." She grabbed Jazmine's hand and dragged her out of the staffroom.
Margaret looked at the pair in confusion. "Code Red? Who'd she kill?"


Twenty minutes later with Claudette's help, all the red paint was off the floor and Mrs. Lewis would be none the wiser. Jazmine collected her purse from the storeroom and grabbed the plant. "And then there's...THIS..." She announced to Claudette, placing the plant on the desk.
"Whoa! Mrs. Lewis got a secret admirer?" Claudette asked, staring in awe at the plant.
Jazmine sighed. "It's addressed to me. You swear you know nothing about it?"
Claudette shook her head making her spirals dance. "Sorry honey, you know I'd be happy to get you one, but I swear it's not from me or Margaret. Looks like YOU'RE the one with the secret admirer!" She clapped her hands in delight. "Could it be one of the parents from the club?"
Jazmine screwed her face. "I guess...but this group have only been working with me for a month. And one of the kids would have blurted it out. You know they can't keep anything a secret." She took a deep breath. "I'm wondering if it's from...Jonas..?"
Claudette's large dark eyes widened and then she burst out laughing. "Jonas Clyne? Dolores would have him sleeping on the sofa for a month, if she thought he was buying another woman fancy gifts!"
"But he's always...flirting with me..."
"Girl...You're all shades of pretty, but Jonas is a born flirt. He likes to charm ALL the ladies. No way he'd actually buy you something if he values his life!" She frowned as she thought and then suddenly slammed her hand on the table making Jazmine jump. "What if it's from Mr. Parker?" She beamed, her eyes lighting up.
Jazmine gasped. "Claudette have you suddenly lost your mind? I hadn't met him until half an hour ago and he stared at me like I'd crawled out from under a rock! It certainly wasn't from him!"
"Maybe he's admired you from afar and today you just caught him at a bad moment?"
"Claude, it was HIM that caught ME at a bad moment. I was the one standing there covered in dried red paint and glitter whilst he looked like...Like..."
"A gift from the Gods..?" She finished with a naughty smirk.
Jazmine placed her head in her hands, feeling exhausted. "I need to go home. This afternoon has been far too weird and embarrassing."
"Hey Jazmine!" Margaret clattered through the door with the vacuum. "We about done now. Want some help with that display of yours?"
Jazmine shut her eyes and groaned. "Thanks, but after today it's the last thing I feel like doing. I'll have to come in an hour early tomorrow and set it up, or Mrs. Hobbs will be dragging me to the Principal's Office!"

Merry Christmas Mr Parker [Henry Cavill] #fanficWhere stories live. Discover now