Chapter Three

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Jazmine pushed open the door to the art room and quickly grabbed the rolls of backing paper, borders and her staplegun. She had around forty-five minutes to back her board and return everything, before Mrs. Lewis arrived back from her lunch break and she disturbed her class. She rounded the corner and for the second time in a week, all the items she was carrying, hit the floor.

But this time there was no mystery gruff-voiced assailant. This time, it was out of pure shock. Her designated display board looked worthy of one at Bloomingdales! Reams of extravagant metallic red and green paper had been candy-striped in perfect parallels, then each stripe had been outlined in thin strips of gold organza ribbon. The border was made of the same colour, but this time in opulent swathes of wide gold chiffon - stapled to form a infinite ruffle - that ran right around the board.
What the heck...
Jazmine stared in open-mouthed wonder at the board. She wanted to feel annoyed that someone had commandeered the display board that was designated to her, but she was struggling to be annoyed at something so beautiful. It was then she noticed a yellow Post-It note in the top right hand corner.


Jazmine's hand flew to her mouth as she gasped aloud. With trembling fingers she gently pulled down the sticky note and ran her fingertips along her name - written in the same neat capitals as the name tag on her poinsettia - which now had pride of place on her coffee table at home.
"Ah! There you are Jazmine!" Mrs. Hobbs, the Principal suddenly appeared at her side. "We've all been admiring your beautiful handiwork. I look forward to seeing the completed display!" She beamed as she patted her shoulder.
Jazmine turned back to gaze at her board. "Umm...Th...Thank you...But...I..." she stammered, but Mrs. Hobbs was already heading up the corridor. Jazmine screwed her eyes closed and rubbed at her forehead. Well, there was no way in hell was this Jonas Clyne's work, so the poinsettia hadn't been from him either, thank goodness.
So who WAS doing all this for her? A Guardian Angel?
Sighing heavily, she picked up her errant rolls and stapler and headed back to the art room. Now she had time to spare, she may as well grab a quick coffee in the staffroom with her two favourite girls...


"What do you mean, you found the board decorated?" Claudette gasped in shock, grabbing a shortbread from the staffroom biscuit tin.
"Just what I said. I came in especially early and found it ready. And way, WAY better than I could ever have done it. They've used metallic paper and gold chiffon! Who even does that?"
"Your secret admirer sure likes spending his money on you, girl!" Margaret exclaimed, before blowing on her coffee.
"I DO NOT have a secret admirer!" Jazmine groaned in exasperation.
"Mmm.Hmm," Claudette rolled her eyes at her. "You gotta start believing you've got some kind of Fairy Godfather out there." She smirked. "Or maybe he's just...a gift from the Gods..."
Jazmine rubbed at a knot in her forehead. "For the final time, this has NOTHING to do with Jack Parker! Why would it? He barely acknowledges my existence!"
"Well, you gotta admit girl, all this weird stuff only started happening just after he arrived at the school. You had any fancy plants left for you before?" Claudette asked raising a perfect eyebrow.
"Well...No, but..."
"Or had your display board backed for you in the good stuff?" Margaret chipped in.
"No, of course not! This is just...just...a weird coincidence."
"Why don't you just ask him if he knows anything about it?"
"Sure, Claudette. I'm just meant to storm up to him and say, 'Oh hey Jack, remember me? I said hi to you the other day and you totally ignored me - but are you my secret admirer?"
"Can't see anything wrong with that, girlfriend," Claudette stated with a grin.


Just two more Christmas trees to staple, then I think I'm done...
Balancing on a chair, Jazmine held up the penultimate tree and secured it in place with three staples. Grabbing the final tree she lined it up, shot in the first two staples, but on the final shot, the staplegun misfired, jarring her arm backwards and causing her to wobble precariously as she fought to stay upright on the chair. With her stapler in one hand she desperately tried to cling onto the flat wall to steady herself, but there was nothing to grip to. Screwing her eyes shut, she prepared herself for the possibility of falling, but to her surprise, she felt two hands suddenly grip her hips and hold her steady. Blinking her eyes open, she expected to see one of the twins, or even Jonas, but instead was met with a pair of bright blue eyes in an achingly beautiful face...
Oh heck. Anyone, but Jack Parker...

"I've got you," he breathed, stepping into her and holding Jazmine against him for support. "Are you okay?"
Standing on the chair, meant Jazmine was literally the same height as Jack. Her face was inches from his concerned gaze; his perfect lips so close to hers, she could feel his warm breath on her cheeks. The smell his cologne invaded her nostrils - all fresh and citrusy. Mmm...
"You should really get off this chair. I don't think it's safe." He tilted his head to the side slightly as he gazed intently at her. "Jazmine?"
Stop staring and answer him! "I had a misfire," she heard herself say.
Brilliant Jazmine. You may as well have told him you carried a watermelon...
Jack looked at her in confusion. "I...Don't understand..."
She tried again. "My gun misfired."
Jack's blue eyes widened.
OH GOD! "STAPLEGUN!" She blurted, holding it up in front of his face.
Jack whipped his head to the side, away from the stapler. "I think I better take that, Annie Oakley."
Jazmine watched on helplessly as Jack gently prized the stapler from her now trembling fingers and then with an arm around her waist, lifted her effortlessly off the chair and let her slide gently to her feet, supporting her against him, whilst she held onto his biceps. Even through the jacket of his sharp navy suit, she could feel how firm they were.
Oh God...he's so strong...So beautiful...So...
"Jazmine? Are you sure you're okay?" He asked softly, his clear blue eyes searching her face. Before she could reply and to her absolute mortification, she saw his hand go to her jaw and gently lift it back into position. She had been staring at him in open-mouthed wonder since he'd taken the stapler from her. "Maybe we could go to the staffroom and grab a coffee? I really need to..."
From somewhere inside his jacket his cell began to ring. Jack screwed his face momentarily before retrieving it. "Jack Parker," he answered brusquely and then his face fell. "I'll be right there." He stated firmly before killing his cell and placing it back in his pocket.
"Is everything okay?" Jazmine whispered.
Jack sighed deeply. "I have to go," he breathed, his voice and eyes laced with sadness. "We'll have to take a raincheck on the coffee. I'm sorry...I really needed..." He sighed again. His thumb brushed her jaw as his blue eyes gazed intently at her. Jazmine's breath caught.
What? What do you need, Jack..? She opened her mouth, but he turned on his heels and retreated rapidly towards the exit doors.

Merry Christmas Mr Parker [Henry Cavill] #fanficWhere stories live. Discover now