Chapter Four

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Twenty minutes later, Jazmine searched for her staff I.D. card inside her purse as she headed to the exit doors.
"Here she is! You calling it a night, pretty lady?"
Jazmine looked up from her purse. "Hey...Jonas..." She began distractedly.
"So...You meeting up with yo' nice gentleman friend later?" He asked.
What? "I don't have a nice gentleman friend, Jonas." She stated through gritted teeth. I'm so not in the mood for this conversation, the twins are bad enough...
"Sure you do. That wait...Parker! Jack Parker. He sure is sweet on you."
Brandishing her staff card, Jazmine swiped it through the security device. "For the final time," she growled. "Jack Parker doesn't like me!"
Although what happened between us before has been playing on a loop inside my head for the last twenty minutes...
Jonas suddenly brandished a strong arm across the doorway, blocking her exit. "Sugar, I don't know what that boy has told you, but he's been sweet on you since the moment he practically knocked you down, the other night!"
Jazmine's world came to a grinding halt as she let out a loud gasp before her hands flew to her mouth. She looked up at Jonas who was smiling benevolently at her.
"How do you know it was him?" She asked in a hoarse whisper.
"He turned up early the next morning with some damn bush in his hands. Knocked on my office door and asked if I could check the previous nights C.C. footage as he'd banged into someone. He'd said he'd been in such a rush to get to the hospital he hadn't even stopped to apologise." Jonas explained. "So when I saw it was you, I told him you'd be in in the afternoon and to come see you after Art Club. But he said he wasn't able to stay that late as his Grammy had broken her hip real bad last night and was being operated, so he had to get back to the hospital straight after school. He said he'd come by and apologise to you the first chance he got, but in the meantime would leave the plant in the Art Room with a note. You got it though?" He asked.
Jazmine nodded frantically. "Yes! But I didn't know it was from him! He never signed the tag!" Jazmine ran her hand over her face. "He never came to find me. First time I actually met him was the following day in the staffroom...but even then he literally ignored me!"
Jonas shook his head. "Yo' never heard of love at first sight, child? When I asked him if he'd apologised to you, he got all shades of embarrassed. He admitted to finally meeting you, but was so taken aback by how darn purty you are, he couldn't form a straight sentence!" Jonas laughed. "Six foot of man mountain and you, little lady, struck him down like he'd been hit by lightnin'!" Jonas continued to laugh heartily.
This isn't happening...Jack couldn't have been as affected by me as I was by him. Could he..?
"I darn told him that he couldn't find a more sweeter girl than you and after everything you'd been through with yo' Momma this year...Well...He then decided another grand gesture was in order, before he actually approached you."
"Grand gesture?" Jazmine asked in confusion and then the penny dropped. "Oh my God! My board! That was him! But...why..?"
"Well, he remembered when he'd banged into you, you'd been carrying rolls of backing paper, so asked me if you'd completed your board. I had no clue what you'd done, so I took him down to yo' board and we saw it was blank. He said he'd go buy some stuff and come in early the next day to put it up for you."
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME! It's been driving me crazy! Plus, Mrs. Hobbs thinks I created that masterpiece!" Jazmine rubbed her hand across her face in agitation.
"Hey! Don't shoot the messenger! The boy swore me to secrecy. He said he'd come tell you everything tonight."
Jazmine screwed her eyes shut. "He must have been coming to tell me when he caught me falling off the chair. He started to tell me he needed something and if I'd go grab a coffee in the staffroom with him...But then his cell rang and he said he had to go. He left in a real rush."
Jonas shook his head. "That poor boy. He spends every waking hour here or at the hospital. Bet that's why he ran off. Hope his poor Grammy's okay..."
Jazmine suddenly slapped him on the chest. "Jonas! Do you know which hospital she's in?"
"Yeah...He told me. The City Hospital. He wanted to make sure she was nearby..."
Jazmine reached up on her tiptoe's and kissed his cheek. "Jonas Clyne...You are one of the best men I know! I'm going straight to the City Hospital!"
Jonas beamed and let her out of the doorway. "Go get him, Sugar! Good luck!"

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