Chapter Five

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Jazmine burst breathlessly through the doors of the Geriatric Wing at City Hospital and raced to the desk.
"I'm looking for my friend's Grammy," she panted to the startled Receptionist.
"Name?" She asked, fingers poised over the keyboard.
Oh heck! "Umm...Mrs. Parker..?"
The Receptionist typed out the name. "No one here with the surname of Parker. What's her first name?"
Jazmine rubbed her head in frustration. "I don't know. All I know is that she broke her hip three days ago and her grandson, Jack has been looking after her..."
The Receptionist's eyes lit up. "This Jack...He about six feet tall, blue eyes and look like he dropped from the heavens?"
"YES! A gift from the Gods! You seen him?" Jazmine asked excitedly.
The Receptionist stood up. "Take a left at the end of the corridor." She pointed. "Augusta Lavic is on Ward Ten. That's his Grammy. She came up from O.R. an hour ago. They had to reset her hipbone. Jack's with her."
Jazmine raced down the corridor, but something caught her eye. Maybe a quick pitstop was in order...


"How about that raincheck?"
Jack's head whipped round from where he was sat on the chair next to Augusta's bed.
"Jazmine..?" Jack gasped in wide-eyed surprise. "What are you doing here?"
Jazmine handed him the coffee she'd bought for him. " did ask me earlier to go for a coffee with you. Thought I'd take you up on your offer." She sat down on the chair next to him and squeezed his hand. "How's she doing?"
Jack looked at her in wonder and then squeezed her hand in return. "They were initially hoping they wouldn't need to pin her joint, but the bone wasn't holding together as well as they'd hoped." He explained. "So they decided to take her back in today and pin it. They're confident she'll make a full recovery, though."
Jazmine beamed. "I'm so pleased Jack. Will she be home in time for Christmas?"
"Hopefully. Although..." he sighed sadly. "She's gonna be pretty immobile. I'm gonna have to nuke something in the microwave for us for Christmas dinner."
Jazmine stroked his hand. "Perhaps...I could come over and cook for you both..?"
Jack's blue eyes lit up momentarily, before he looked away from her. "Jazmine...I need to tell you something..."
"That you banged into me and fled without apologising, because you got an urgent call from the hospital? Or that you bought me the most beautiful poinsettia I ever saw to make up for it? Or maybe it was that you took the time to create a display board Bloomingdales would be proud of, because you were so tongue-tied?" Jazmine smiled as Jack gaped her. "I spoke to Jonas."
Jack closed his eyes. "I was honestly going to tell you everything tonight, Jazmine. And then you nearly fell...and suddenly you were in my arms and I couldn't think straight. Then the hospital rang to say Grammy was back in the O.R...And I had to rush off on you again, without being able to offer you a proper explanation about anything." He opened his eyes and looked at her beseechingly. "I'm so sorry, Jazmine. Especially for nearly knocking you down."
Jazmine then did something she'd wanted to do since the moment Claudette had mentioned it. She reached across, cupped his face and stroked his soft, dark stubble. "You don't need to apologise for anything, Jack."  She said softly. "I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere."
He grasped her hands, brought them to his lush mouth and kissed her knuckles. "Jazmine...You're so sweet. But it's the Friday before Christmas. You don't want to spend it in a hospital." He said earnestly.
Jazmine's heart was beating wildly at his touch, his kiss and just about everything to do with Jack Parker. "No...But I do want to spend it with you..."


"You got everything you need, Grammy? You warm enough?"
Augusta squeezed her grandson's hand. "I'm fine honey. It's been a real nice day. Go and spend some time with that lovely girlfriend of yours."
Jack smiled down at her. "We're just going to curl up with a DVD. Holler if you need anything."
"With these sedatives, I'm going to be spark out before you've even left the room!"
Jack bent and kissed her forehead. "Night, Grammy. Happy Christmas."
"Happy Christmas my sweet boy. Goodnight."

Jack pulled Jazmine into his lap and she curled around him happily. "I've been dreading my first Christmas without Momma, but today has been really lovely, Jack." She smiled stroking his face.
Jack smiled back at her adoringly, flashes of gold from the open fireplace reflecting in his eyes. "If I'd known what a great cook you were, I'd have asked you out on my first day at Broomhill!"
"Hey!" Jazmine cried indignantly.
Grinning, Jack tipped her back on the couch until she was lying down and he was hovering over her. "And if I'd known what a great kisser you were...I wouldn't have waited so long for my first kiss either..."
Jazmine smiled up at him, her fingers sifting through his soft, dark waves. "Yup! That Art Room mistletoe sure came in handy!" She giggled remembering how she'd used it as an excuse to kiss those gorgeous lips and how since then, they'd hardly been able to stop.
"Mmm..." Jack murmured as he brought his mouth softly down onto hers. "And I can visit you in the Art Room more often, now my contract has been made permanent."
"Why, Mr. Parker! I hope you're not planning on distracting me from my very important job..." She breathed as his lush lips brushed enticingly over hers.
"No, Miss. Green," he whispered. "But I also don't plan on spending a whole day without stealing at least ONE kiss from my beautiful girlfriend - obviously before her important job starts..."
Jazmine giggled. "You won't need to steal anything, Jack. I'll happily give you ALL my kisses, whenever you want."
Jack beamed and his blue eyes lit up even more. "Really?" He said in a low husky tone. "How about right now?"
"Right now works for me!" Jazmine replied eagerly, making him chuckle.
He brought his lips down to hers and kissed her long and slow, whilst the fire crackled and danced. Moving his mouth gently away, he stroked her lips with his thumb. Jazmine's eyes blinked open.
"Merry Christmas, Jazmine." He whispered lovingly.
"Merry Christmas, Mr. Parker," she whispered adoringly back.

💋Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all my lovelies 💋

Hope you enjoyed my Christmas short story based on my adoration of Henry Cavill! 😍😍😍
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