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.Normani Kordei Hamilton.

I could feel the soft rays of morning light caressing my skin. When I slept at the station, I rarely minded when it was time to get up. I'm comfortable at the station, even with snoring guys in beds all around me. And, now, a snoring girl. Although, her snores are delicate and soft, not blaring fog horns like Louis's, or jack hammers like Harry, or whatever the hell Liam's are.

The room was quiet now, meaning the others were already awake or gone. It was oddly peaceful, so I kept my eyes closed and drank in the feeling of waking up somewhere that- oof. A soft object was slammed against my head. "Damn it, Styles." I grumbled, opening my eyes to glare at a grinning Harry.

"Oh, sorry, Hamilton. My pillow just slipped away from me there."

"Every damn day. It stopped being funny like 17 times ago," I spat at him as I swung my legs off the bed.

"Actually, no, it's still pretty funny," Harry smirked and dodged my swinging fist. As he was exiting, he added cheekily, "Plus, now that there's another girl here, maybe I could start a pillow fight, and fulfill every man's dream. I would be the hero of the station..." At the last part, his voice took on a wistful tone and his eyes were glistening with hope and wonder. Yeah, hope and wonder. Boys are that dumb.

I finished dressing and glanced at the bed that held the mess of blonde curls last night. I wonder what sunshine is up to this early.

Walking down stairs I was hit with a fantastic smell. It was like home and coffee. Louis practically bounced up to me, "Blondie made waffles!" I never made waffles because I couldn't ever get them as good as my mom made them, so we never had waffles here. This was a big deal.

"Aw, and now you're in love with her," I sarcastically replied.

"Uh, yeah, maybe a little." Louis grinned.

"Well, she's all yours."

"Thanks," Louis laughed and returned to his plate.

I poured myself some coffee, and turned toward the waffle iron (which I had brought in a long time ago, but never used), where Dinah was busy pouring batter in the tray. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to take anything from her, we weren't exactly friends. But, they smelled amazing and my alternative was cold cereal, and all we had left was Frosted Wheat, I hate Frosted Wheat.

I thought I could see that she was watching me from the corner of her eye. She must have been, and must have sensed my dilemma, because she plopped two perfect looking waffles on a plate and held it in my direction, not looking directly at me. A little shocked, I didn't move, eyeing the waffles wearily. After a moment, she flicked her eyes over to my face, giving me an annoyed look. "Just take them," Her voice was snappier than I like.

Grudgingly, I reached forward and grabbed the plate, mumbling thanks. I took the plate to the table, poured on syrup, and took a bite. Shit, they were really good waffles.

Dinah sat at the other end of the table. I glanced at her, catching her eye as she took a bite. Maturely, we both looked away when we saw the other looking. I shook my head and focused on devouring my waffles, while pretending they weren't one of the best things I've ever put in my mouth.

Shortly after breakfast, we got a call. A huge apartment building fire had broken out, and we were one of the units in the area. When we pulled up the building was fully engulfed in flame and a large crowd of people were gathered around. We jumped to our stations. I was put up on the ladder and hoisted to the third story. There was a report of two people still inside. Harry lifted the ladder as I waited anxiously to get to the side of the building. Once the ladder stopped I heaved myself into the window and landed with a thud.

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