Twenty Nine

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.Normani Kordei Hamilton.

With my curiosity peaked, I quickly closed the door to Simon's office and plopped in the seat across from him. "So..." I led, eager to hear what he had to say.

"So...How was your time off with Dinah?" Simon asked slowly, leaning back in his chair and lacing his fingers over his stomach.

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help grinning, "Fantastic, actually spending time with my girlfriend makes me much more happy."

"Good, and how is she doing?" Simon said in the same gentle drawl, almost as if he was purposefully stretching this conversation out.

I sighed with impatience, "She's doing really well, she'll go back in a few days for her final check-up, and if everything's good she'll be cleared for work. Now, please, tell me why I'm in here." I kept my voice even and calm, letting him know I wasn't angry, just anxious.

Simon smiled and cleared his throat, "Ok. I have a proposition for you."

When he didn't continue, I groaned, "Yes, you told me that. And..."

The Captain gazed at me for long enough I thought I was going to have to throw something at him, then stated simply, "How would you like to come back to Company B?"

I eyed him carefully, "Are you kidding?"

Simon rolled his eyes and sighed, "Yes, I pulled you in here to dangle something you truly want in front of you, then say 'psyche!'...Funny, huh? I'm not a monster, Hamilton. I wouldn't joke about something like that. I want to know if you want your own spot back."

I shook my head, confused, "Wait...why would I get to come back, now? Dinah and I are still together, you know that, right?" I had no idea what the hell was going on. It made no sense that I would suddenly be allowed back, when it was such a fiasco in the first place.

"I know that you two are still together, and no, I don't expect you to change that." Simon grinned and shook his head, "He didn't say why, but Nick called the Chief's office and retracted his complaint against you guys and this company."

My jaw dropped in disbelief, before realization dawned and my mouth slid into a wide smirk, "That's his way of thanking me."

Simon furrowed his brows, "Thanking you for what?"

"Saving his daughter." He squinted his eyes and cocked his head in confusion, but I continued before he could ask anything about it, "So, what? That's it, we just go back to how things were and everybody's cool?" This seemed too easy.

Simon glanced down and sighed, "Not exactly. I had to make a very convincing case to the Chief, proving that the team performed better with you on it. I told him that I had to hire someone to fill Mahone's spot-" We both adverted our eyes and quieted in a moment of respect for our fallen comrade, then he continued, "So, I proposed that it be you because Company B reported remarkable stats with you and I could simply fill the spot on Company A with someone else. He said that there was still the issue of you and Hansen dating and that that was still posed a threat to the efficiency and safety of the team. So, I told him that under my watch, the two of you would remain very professional when on duty, and should a concern arise we would reevaluate the situation. And...that I would stake my job on you. Meaning, if your relationship causes anymore conflict for the station, then you two will be split up and I will be relocated or relieved of my position."

My eyes snapped up and narrowed, "You what? Why would you do that? What if something goes wrong? Or another ex tries to stir up trouble? That seems like an extreme solution...I can't let you do that, I-"

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