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.Normani Kordei Hamilton.

An hour and a half later we had gathered in the lobby, anxiously waiting for the shift to change, passing the slow minutes by tossing a ball around the room. Finally, Louis snatched the ball from it's path and cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, firemen and firewomen, give me your undivided attention please."

I rolled my eyes, "Jeez, Louis, dramatic much?"

"It is I, Lord Louis Tomlinson, demanding that you notice my most masculine presence and grant me your undivided interest." Harry bellowed in a deep and completely ridiculous voice. Liam snorted and I snickered as Louis glared at Harry. A stifled giggle sprang from Dinah's corner of the room, but I didn't look back at her to confirm.

Despite our mockery, we all eventually locked our eyes on him and quieted, waiting for him to continue.

"Thank you. Now, as per tradition, it is time to bestow a gift upon our newest member." He turned to Dinah, "My lady, you have come to us in our time of need, and I speak for everyone when I say that we have no doubts about your ability to fit in and be a great asset to the team. So, this is for you." He held out his hand, which contained a small Dalmatian on a keychain. "We don't have a dog at this station, so we make our drivers carry one. It's for luck."

I feigned indifference as I watched Dinah take the dog from Louis's hand and carefully run her fingers over it. She looked alarmingly sentimental for a moment, then as if remembering where she was, she quickly replaced that expression with one of casual gratitude. An easy grin spread across her face, "Thanks guys. It's awesome." Briefly, her eyes flicked to mine. I allowed our eyes to lock for moment, forgetting to hide my escalating interest and amusement in the exchange, then glanced away.

Hopefully, she didn't notice at how closely I was watching her. It was just shy of eight, when our shift was over. The men of company A, sauntered up, signaling our freedom. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but going home is great. Plus, I was suddenly very antsy to end this dry spell with Zendaya. I glanced at Dinah, who was struggling to attach her new key chain. I still don't know where I stand with her.

Heading out to the parking lot, I stretched my face to the sky. The morning uncharacteristically sunny and cheerful. Harry's voice broke me out of my reverence, "Hamilton, we'll be at Aj's tonight, you in?"

Opening my eyes and squinting at him, I replied, "Yeah, sounds good." A drink with friends is just what I need.

Before he got in his car he yelled over my head, "New girl, you should come too. Aj's bar, nine o'clock." Fuck. I didn't need to hang out with the cute new girl. Wait, since when is she cute? Whatever, I don't want her there.

Dinah hesitated, and I thought I could feel her eyes on me, "Um, sure. I'll try to swing by."


I jumped in my car and revved the engine. Dinah walked by my car, her expression portraying something along the lines of appreciation and desire. Having already rolled down the window, I smirked at her,

She shook her head as if to clear it, "Nothing, you just have a super nice car." She must have recognized my slightly shocked expression, "I used to race, remember? Of course, I know cars." With that she slipped into her 2005 Shelby GT. Shit, her car was gorgeous, and nothing was hotter than a cute girl driving a sexy car. There's that cute again.

I pulled into my parking space and sprinted up the steps to the apartment. I really hope Zendaya didn't get called in early, and that she was here. Jamming my key in the lock and bursting through the door, I dropped my stuff and headed to the bedroom. Even though Zendaya didn't officially live here, she stayed over some nights, even when I wasn't home. Opening the bedroom door, I smiled at the brunette fast asleep on the bed.

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