15. Trouble

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I knew I was in trouble that I would have to explain what is going on with and Dean to Kris, that is one conversation I don't want to have, but it is necessary. I am sitting across the panic room from Kris with Dean and she is with Sam. Dean rubs my shoulders, so I can relax for what I'm about to do, talk and explain to Kris, but she is human, okay, almost human but she don't know the Blood-lust that Sam and I feel. I stood up and Dean stood with me, he looked at me and I knew he was unsure about this. I found it funny that he could face demons but he was afraid to face my sister. I chuckled, and he looked at me, I shook my head. As we started to approach them they both stood up as if I was a threat.

"What is wrong? I, no we don't understand," I stated. That was when Kris said something that hurt both Sam and I...

"You, are nothing but a demon in which needs to be banished and till I figure out how to do that, the demons in here will not be allowed to leave," then she looked at Dean. "As will their sympathizers," and she left, and locked us in the panic room.

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